fatty tissue

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Results 1 - 10 from 55 for fatty tissue in 0.237 sec.

Wastewater Treatment Glossary N O P R
Organochlorines organic compounds containing chlorine, including PCBs, DDT and lindane; accumulate in fatty tissue and may be toxic Oxidation the chemical or biochemical change that occurs ... larger than 5 µm PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls; very persistent, toxic substances, stored in fatty tissue; previously widely used as fire-resistant dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors; now ...

Ocean Alliance - FAQ - Voyage of the Odyssey
By taking tissue samples from sperm whales we will be able to determine how these manmade toxicants are ... fatty tissue in their body, sperm whales have a layer of fat called blubber just under their skin. Most toxicants that are persistent in the environment are chemicals that accumulate in fat tissue ...

Our Stolen Future: Key points
Some of the synthetic chemical compounds are notorious because they accumulate in our fatty tissue. These chemicals can then bioaccumulate up the food chain, and can be passed on ... breast milk. Because, they are not flushed through our bodies chemical accumulation in the fat tissue and breast milk can reach very high concentrations over time, concentrations millions of times ...

Our Stolen Future: About polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
(Meironyté et al. 1998). PBDEs are also found in human fatty tissue and in human blood serum. Roughly 50,000 metric tons of PBDEs are produced annually ... More from this site

additives harmful
Chemicals are attracted to, and stored in fatty tissue. The brain is a prime target for these destructive organics because of its high fat ... . But studies have shown the body stores many of the chemicals found in mattresses in fatty tissue, including the brain. "We don't honestly know what the long-term effects (of the ...

The masses: a cornered animal
This relates to all fatty tissue as toxins congregate there, as for example, in cheese, milk, cream, beef fat, etc. While ...

Environmental Practitioner Programme™
Click for summary of Conventions ...

Endangered Wildlife Trust
(Incl. Vat) Fast Facts The humpback dolphins’ hump is made of cartilage, not fatty tissue like a camels hump The humpback dolphin can tolerate brackish water, often entering bays and ...

Endangered Wildlife Trust
Wildlife Trust Did you know that the humpback dolphins' hump is made of cartilage, not fatty tissue like a camels hump? EWT AND CO - ENDANGERED WILDLIFE AND YOUR COMPANY Because their survival ... More from this site

Ferret News #84 - Help Your Ferret Recover From Surgery
For older ferrets needing soft tissue procedures of longer duration, some veterinarians find that placing the ferret in an oxygen bed ...

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