Results 1 - 10 from 70 for fast moving streams in 0.341 sec.
EcoIQ Magazine Spring 2002 Features
We are rapidly consuming the earth's resources, cultivating a fast-moving economy. We feel the wind against our faces. Gravity is ... Once it reaches the ground, it spreads out and joins rivers, streams, and soil. From there, it may be taken up into plants ... period of growth. By using precision-made standardized parts and moving them to workers along an assembly line, Ford increased labor ...
NMPIF Wetlands 3
Associated Species: Common Merganser, Spotted Sandpiper, Belted Kingfisher fast-moving, clear, unpolluted, rocky streams with numerous small rapids, riffles and waterfalls breeding streams rarely exceed 49 ft (15m) in width or ... but may increase in selectively logged areas with aspens left standing AMDI clear, fast-moving streams rarely more than 49ft in width or 7ft in depth; with boulders, walls, ...
UW-ESS Research Group
... faculty and students investigate the flow, temperature, and internal stratigraphy of glaciers, slow-moving ice domes and fast-moving ice streams in polar ice sheets; ice-core paleoclimate records; dynamics and thermodynamics of sea ...
Blanding's Turtle - WDNR
Life History The Blanding's turtle is semi-aquatic. ... of lakes and reservoirs, shallow, slow moving streams and rivers, and backwater sloughs with soft bottoms and aquatic vegetation. Rarely found in northern forested regions, fast moving rivers or northern bogs. Food Habits: ...
Jet Stream
World National Building Specification Think Energy Jet Stream The jet stream is a current of fast moving air found in the upper levels of the troposphere which blow from west to ... strongest temperature contrasts between different latitudes on the Earth surface. Consequently, the strongest jet streams usually occur during the winter months, when large temperature differences exist between low and ...
Gap Boycott's letter to CDF on 10/17/97
Big Tree Creek--including Class I, II and III streams, and the (mistakenly classified) Class IV pond -must be given no-cut ... of at least 100 to 150 feet on each side of the streams. Further, the road system of both THP 352 and THP 042 must ...
Beaver, Castor canadensis, damage management and control information
The beaver is unparalleled at dam building and can build dams on fast-moving streams as well as slow-moving ones. They also build lodges and bank dens, depending on the available habitat ... nontarget species. They are not recommended by responsible wildlife professionals. One method used occasionally along streams prone to flooding is shooting beavers that have been flooded out of lodges and ...
Tailed Frog
Ecology: The habitat of the Tailed Frog is cold, fast-moving streams with cobble stone bottoms. Tailed frogs are mostly aquatic, but adults may emerge during ... deposit their eggs in strings under rocks in fast-moving streams. Larvae take 1 to 4 years to metamorphose in the cool, fast-moving mountain streams (Bull and Carter, 1996 in Krakauer, 2000). Population ...
National Geographic: Lewis & Clark—Animals—California Newt
Quiet streams, ponds, and lakes and surrounding evergreen and oak forests along coast. Fast-moving streams through digger pine and blue oak communities in Sierra Nevada ...
Our Activities - Offshore Renewable Energy - Wave/Tidal | Renewables East
Tidal currents are fast-moving streams of water below the surface of the sea. In areas that constrict flow, such as ... the shore and away with the tide. The UK has many sites with strong tidal streams around its coastline as well as exhibiting some of the highest tidal ranges in the ...
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