facing slopes

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Results 1 - 10 from 107 for facing slopes in 0.237 sec.

Thinking Like a Mountain by Aldo Leopold - wolves and deforestation
I have watched the face of many a newly wolfless mountain, and seen the south-facing slopes wrinkle with a maze of new deer trails. I have seen every edible bush and ...

A Sense of Place (Do or Die)
The Golden Arrow. "The scattered rocks, the ragged holly-brakes on the lower slopes were like small carved lions beside the black marble steps of a stupendous throne. ... and aspect. The western valleys are comparatively dry and sunny, south-facing slopes support bell heather and western gorse. North-facing slopes are dominated by ling heather and whinberry (called bilberry in other parts ... More from this site

NMPIF Shrublands 2
(Davis et al. 1979). May not be true in New Mexico (K. Johnson pers ... height of grasses above nest is 17-32in nests often on <6% north or northeast facing slopes <63% native rangeland unlikely to support continuing populations; populations can fluctuate dramatically from wet to ...

NMPIF Shrublands 3
Assumption: relatively frequent fires on slopes in these areas may promote habitat Green-tailed Towhee ... 7ft tall and scattered larger trees, uses hill and canyon sides rugged slopes often south-facing avoids overgrown areas GTTO high density shrublands with high shrub diversity High ... More from this site

Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation: Loess Hills
Loess Hills grow on the west-facing slopes at the edge of the floodplain, Weiner added, and this site has such slopes. When the tract came up for sale, Weiner ... of his first priorities will be to clear cedar trees from the ridges and western slopes, allowing the rich prairie vegetation to thrive. Some of the small crop fields may be ...

Quaking Aspen Forests of the Colorado Plateau
Colorado Plateau, particularly on well-watered south-facing slopes. In the La Sal Mountains of southeastern Utah, a zone of quaking aspen, interspersed with ...

EEK! - The Hemlock
Wisconsin in small stands in cool north-facing slopes. You can also find them in Columbia, Sauk and Vernon counties on cool, north slopes. The wood is light reddish-brown in color ...

Water pollution
Jammu and Kashmir near the border of India and Tibet, on the north-facing slopes of the Karakoram Range, and feeds the Shaksgam river that flows into Tibet. The glacier ...

... located on relatively flat meadows, such as riverbank mesas, wide valleys and piedmonts, or south-facing slopes at lower elevations, where pastures have the highest forage output and the best acceptability ... summer-autumn pastures are generally located either at the higher altitudes, often on the north facing slopes of the terrain or on the relatively flat rangelands furthest from the settled homes ...

Terrestrial Resources
The majestic south-facing slopes of the Santa Ynez Mountains pour down about 400 feet above sea level to the ... Vernal Pool communities and Native Grasslands. Above the coastal plain and foothills, generally on steeper slopes, is Chaparral, which varies considerably from site to site depending on topography, soils, and disturbance ...

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