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2007 IUCN Red List – Search
Garden of the Fundação Zoo-Botânica de Belo Horizonte. Through this project ,extensive surveys for the species have been conducted. The project also includes monitoring in the field; studies ... funds will be raised to continue the conservation work on this species especially the ongoing surveys, monitoring and reintroduction work required. List of Conservation Actions: 1.1.1 Policy-based actions ...
Rosenstiel School: Invertebrate Museum
C.T. Simpson and the geologist/paleobiologist A. Olsson. The large collections from the extensive surveys of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean by US Fish and Wildlife Service vessels ... other invertebrates from his continuing reef studies in the eastern Pacific; Dr. Donald Moore's extensive micromollusk slide collection from Florida, South and Central America, the Caribbean and Bahamas; a ...
Species Accounts: cporo.htm
Kinabatangan River and associated wetlands. Stuebing and Mohammed Sah (1992) conducted extensive surveys on the Klias river and found a small but viable population of around 50 ... Sumatra and the extensive rivers and lowlands of Kalimantan (Borneo). The species is also widespread in Irian Jaya, particularly in the Mamberano drainage in the north. Standard spotlight surveys in Irian ...
Species Accounts: amiss.htm
American alligators have responded well to management and have recovered rapidly. Extensive surveys of alligator populations have been done throughout the species range. Continuous monitoring of ... rearing techniques need to be improved to increase the efficiency of the industry. Extensive research on these topics is currently underway, particularly in Louisiana and Florida. American ...
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FROGLOG 58 - Status of Amphibians at the Zoige Wetlands, Sichuan Province, China
(Rana chensinensis and Narorana pleskei). Our population surveys showed a downward trend for all three species over the ... variability in the count data. In 2000, we initiated more extensive surveys and documented a significant decline in both the number of ... report that 1) the Zoige wetlands were formerly far more extensive, 2) all three species of anurans were more widely distributed ...
Endangered Species of the Palni Hills - indian tamilnadu kodaikanal endangered species mammals squirrel protection,Indian Tamilnadu Kodaikanal Species
Soc. 88/1985 The council consistently keeps vigil of the natural assets of the hills. Extensive surveys on small mammals, Elephants, Butterflies, and other endangered species have been conducted. Immediate measures ... evergreen forest habitat of the squirrel at 700 mts altitude. The council has conducted extensive surveys to determine the cause of forest decline and is taking steps to stem the ...
Endangered Species and Ecosystems FAQs: Red, Blue and Yellow Lists
Snaketail Dragonfly, Ophiogomphus colubrinus, was only known from two locations in the province before an extensive dragonfly survey was conducted in the summer of 2000. It is now known from a ... hand, Caribou (southern population) were moved from the Blue list to the Red list when extensive surveys indicated that their population numbers were decreasing, and the threats they were exposed to were ...
Headworks USA - HeadsUp Newsletter, July 2007 - Volume 4, Issue 07: Houston's Best Places to Work 2007
Houston Business Journal (“HBJ”) honored the Best Places to Work in Houston. Extensive surveys are conducted with companies and their employees and the outcome placed Headworks® Inc. at Number ...
Lakehurst Bird Surveys
Wildlife Bio-Blitz 2005 Meet NBP Staff Contact NBP Lakehurst Naval Base Grassland Breeding Bird Surveys 2002 - 2004 In 2004 National Biodiversity Parks, Inc. assessed the grassland breeding bird populations per ... population for the NJ Threatened GRSP. Based on discussions and literature search detailed in the extensive 2003 Lakehurst NBP survey report it is estimated that the base had 163 pairs (326 ...
Empty Property Surveys / Research
Surveys / Research Home | Contact Us | Site Map | Disclaimer What We Do Get ... item 3 Useful Links item 1 item 2 item 3 Empty Property Surveys / Research North London Sub-Region Survey On Empty Properties This volume contains ... Local Government (DCLG), the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Halifax's own extensive housing database. East of England MORI Survey Summary of research into empty ...
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