exposure can cause

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Results 1 - 10 from 513 for exposure can cause in 0.412 sec.

COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
PCBs? Here's a summary of the health effects of PCBs as published by the EPA on their website at Hazard Summary Polychlorinated Biphenyls can ... birth defects] and may damage the adult reproductive system. Exposure can cause an acne like skin rash (called chloracne). They can damage the liver. High exposure can damage the nervous system, causing numbness, weakness and ...

Mercury Policy Project - Links
MPP independent testing (see press release and testing report). Mercury exposure can cause severe learning disabilities and other neurodevelopmental problems in babies and young children. ... contaminated with mercury, a poison that interferes with the brain and nervous system, can cause serious health problems, especially for children and pregnant women. Harvard School of ...

Lead poisoning is recognised internationally as one of the greatest health risks
Lead can affect pregnant women and pass through the mother’s body and harm the unborn baby. Lead can affect adults too. Low levels of exposure can cause joint and muscle pain, high blood pressure and infertility. Higher levels of lead poisoning can cause memory loss, nerve problems ...

Healthy Indoor Air
Long-term exposure can cause loss of coordination; nausea; and damage to liver, kidneys and the central nervous system. Some organics can cause cancer in animals and are suspected of causing cancer in humans. Q: What are some ways I can minimize potential health problems? A: ...

Healthy Indoor Air
Itchy, burning, or teary eyes Skin irritation Nose, throat, or lung irritation Nausea or headache Dizziness or lightheadedness Allergic reaction Long-term or high levels of VOC exposure can cause ... More from this site

Green Living Now Web Store
SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE MAY INCLUDE BURNING SENSATION, COUGHING, WHEEZING, LARYNGITIS, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, HEADACHE, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. EXPOSURE CAN CAUSE:STOMACH PAINS, VOMITING, DIARRHEA. PROLONGED EXPOSURE CAN CAUSE:DAMAGE TO THE ... "The NRC also notes a growing body of scientific research linking fluoride exposure to disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems, including the brain, thyroid ...

League for the Hard of Hearing > Education, Advocacy & Outreach
League for the Hard of Hearing. That noise exposure can cause hearing loss is undeniable. Research has shown that noise is ... cause damage to your ears, it is important to know both the level of intensity (measured in decibels, dBA) and the length of exposure ... guns can be measured in excess of 140 dBA. Parent Responsibility Protect your children. Be aware that noise can and does cause hearing ...

MedlinePlus: Radiation Exposure
A lot of radiation over a short period, such as from a radiation emergency, can cause burns or radiation sickness. Symptoms of radiation sickness include nausea, weakness, hair loss, skin burns and reduced organ function. If the exposure is large enough, it can cause premature ...

The Effects of Cronic Exposure to CO - Copyright 1997 CO Support
The conventional wisdom is that it is only high doses of CO that can cause the individual to become unconscious and create lasting health problems. Figure 3, however, suggests ... of exposure followed by short (or very short) periods of high level exposure, culminating in loss of consciousness for the individuals. Figure 4: Length of time symptoms experienced during exposure chronic ...

Ozone Exposure levels in areas with Aspen and White Pine (1997).
Levels of around 24 ppm-hours can cause growth reductions in white pine and aspen. Leaf stippling symptoms are visible at lower exposure levels. Click here for more details about ozone ...

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