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Scientific Knowledge Management: an introduction
Forest Encyclopedia Network
Socialization: Tacit knowledge is shared through shared experiences. Externalization: Tacit knowledge is articulated into explicit knowledge. Combination: Explicit knowledge is organized, systematized and refined. Internalization: Explicit knowledge is converted into tacit knowledge. Knowledge ...
IWMI : Newsletters - Water Figures
Knowledge exists in two different forms, tacit and explicit. Often, the most important knowledge is 'tacit' or 'hidden'; it's what accumulates experience and study and is hidden in people's heads, making it difficult to capture and pass on. Explicit knowledge ...
Supporters of in situ methods cite the importance of conserving the farmers' traditional knowledge and the importance of maintaining the natural agroecosystem which provides an environment where ... Biodiversity: The discipline of economics addresses environmental problems by examining the intrinsic and explicit values of natural resources. Economists do so by first demonstrating the economic or ...
No Evolution Without Revolution (Do or Die)
Both the land and knowledge of how best to live on it, were under attack. Then, ... share the same subordinate position. Catherine McPhee of South Uist drew an explicit parallel in her account of the Clearances: "I have seen the ... the Habitats Directive.) 6. Pressenman Woods: To the best of my knowledge, this is the first direct action camp to be set up ...
Our Philosophy
Seattle Ministerial in 2000. This statement constitutes our intellectual foundation, our assumptions made explicit. It is useful as a basis for understanding our work, but was also ... publications, upcoming meetings and other items of interest. Subscribe here. Trade Knowledge Network IISD facilitates the The Trade Knowledge Network (TKN), a global network of developing country researchers working ...
Essence Of Permaculture
Odum's work on the evolution of my own ideas is made explicit in the dedication and extensive references to Odum in Permaculture, Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability, ... . Permaculture design principles can never be a substitute for relevant practical experience and technical knowledge. However, they may provide a framework for continuous generation and evaluation of the site ...
ILEC - vision
Since this is an extremely broad vision, a more explicit World Lake Vision, consistent with the World Water Vision recently presented at the ... rational and suitable methods for harmony between environmental management and sustainable development, and scientific knowledge on lake environments internationally ILEC's Strategies To achieve ILEC's mission (objectives), the ...
IndEco Tools: Strategic planning
We help prioritize needs, based on explicit decision criteria, to bridge this ‘gap’ and develop a phased action plan of the ...
Coral Reef Project
Marine Protected Areas. In general, the extent of connectivity is ... students to develop tools, measure connectivity for selected species at specific sites, and extend local knowledge of the importance of connectivity in management and planning. The core budget is set at ...
MBARI - Marine Operations Policies
Complete and accurate information (packing lists, waybills, etc.) about shipments ... is obligated to replace the unit, even if the deployment location is known, unless an explicit plan for recovery agreed upon by Marine Operations and ROVUC exists in advance of deployment ...
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