existing fleet

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DOE - Fossil Energy: DOE's CO2 Capture and H2O Management Innovations Program
In addition, since very little R&D has historically been devoted to CCS technologies for existing power plants, there is significant potential ... technology for existing plants. The program will also invest in R&D in the related areas of CO2 compression and the beneficial alternative uses of CO2. Reducing the Existing Fleet's ...

Rail Renaissance: Transit Is On Track in America's Sun Belt Cities
BART and METRO systems, the second; the ... purchase of 28 new vehicles plus an overhaul of the existing fleet. Though many older cities wobble along (Boston, my own city, ... growth" policy: "not a cent for development that isn't in existing communities," he says insistently. "No money for roads, utilities, schools, fires ...

Exxon Valdez: Supertanker Safety
So they're looking for ways to extend the life of their existing fleet. This is despite the fact that we have plenty of shipbuilding capacity in this country ...

Internship Opportunities | Region 2 | US EPA
In conjunction with state and local governments, public interest groups, and industry partners, EPA has established a goal of reducing emissions from the over 11 million diesel engines in the existing fleet ...

Origin of the Reformulated Gasoline Program | Gasoline Fuels | US EPA
RFG, on the other hand, would be effective immediately in the existing fleet. The final ... More from this site

British Energy confusion clouds nuclear future
UK nuclear fleet. The introduction of the New Electricity Trading Arrangements in 2001 meant ... as a £5.3 billion de facto nationalisation. The reactor fleet itself hasn’t helped the situation. Most of the plants ... nuclear capacity but the inability to find a buyer for the existing fleet can not be seen as encouraging sign. Bureaucracy aside, the investment ...

Columbia Plateau Clean Cities Coalition
(BioDiesel). Why are fleet managers introducing alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) into their fleet? There are benefits for both the public and fleet operators. Energy Independence. Concern about our ... half the space of the average car on the freeway, thereby doubling the capacity of existing freeway lanes. The Tango can fit in a future 6 foot lane easier than a ...

Green Truck: Fleet Owner Article [Easing the burden]
Trucking Associations The following article is reprinted with permission from the February 2000 issue of Fleet Owner Magazine. Issue: Fleets must take responsibility for making sure their shop floor drains ... Starting April 5, 2000, no new motor vehicle wells may be built under any circumstances. Existing wells are next. Individual states must assess their groundwater supplies by January 1, 2004. ...

Novex, one of the Lower Mainland’s largest couriers, plans on converting its entire fleet of cars, vans and trucks to low-emission vehicles. Energy-efficiency upgrades and retrofits to ... million to build a new leisure centre, the District of Mission, B.C., upgraded its existing leisure centre. It replaced the refrigeration plant and hot water boiler systems and installed energy ...

Greenways and Trails | Florida DEP
Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail General James A. Van Fleet State Trail Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail Nature Coast State Trail Tallahassee - St. Marks ... Explore Florida's Greenways &Trails Please Visit Our Website to Collect and Update an Existing Trails Database for Florida View the Recreational Trails Network and the Prioritized Ecological ...

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