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Taxonomy of the tiger.
Panthera tigris corbetti was named ... example Felis wiedi or Panthera uncia. The abbreviation sp is used when the actual specific name is not known: for example Felis sp (some species of the genus Felis). The scientific name must be written in full when it is first used. It may then be abbreviated by just using an initial for the genus; for example Felis ...
Florida Everglades
It is one of many subspecies of the American lion, Felis concolor. This large cat is tan in color and ranges ... They have also introduced the Texas Mountain Lion--another subspecies of Felis concolor and a cousin to the panther--into the wild ... habitats also affects what little prey exists for the panther. For example, flooding of the Everglades may destroy its grassy edges, the primary ...
Baloch Cheetah Survey 1
Pakistan’s westernmost desert province of Balochistan. For example, there have been reports of sightings, of the shooting of ... out the position of the Caracal, Felis caracal, the Jungle Cat Felis chaus and the Sand Cat, Felis margarita scheffeli, from them. Most of them had seen the Jungle Cat, Felis chaus, called JUNGLI ...
Ranthambore Tiger Reserve,Ranthambore Wildlife Sanctuary,Ranthambore
Tiger Reserve in India
Reserve located at the junction of the Aravalis and the Vindhyas, is a unique example of natural and historical legacy, standing out wondrously in the vast, arid and denuded ... found in Ranthambhore are Leopard (Panthera pardus), Caracal (Felis caracal), Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis), Fishing Cat ( Felis viverrina) and the Jungle Cat (Felis chaus). Besides the big cats, the other large predators ...
Panther,Panther Cat Breed,Panther Wild Cat Breed
Hall (1981), do not consider Panthera to be generically distinct from Felis. Uncia was treated as a separate genus by Guggisberg (1975), Hemmer ( ... strong swimmers but not as fond of water as tigers; for example, leopards will not lay in water. The leopard seems to ... undeniably been a menace in some areas. One in India, for example, is said to have killed over 200 people. Panthera leo (Lion ...
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Detailed information on hybridisation in big cats. Includes tigons, ligers, leopons and others.
Rusty-spotted cats (felis rubiginosa), Asian jungle cats (felis chaus), African wildcats (felis silvestris libyca), Scottish wildcats (felis silvestris grampia), and European wildcats (felis silvestris), will all hybridise quite ... is most advanced in Europe and this is sometimes cited as a prime example of a species threatened through interbreeding. Because of their wild upbringing and lack ...
Hybrids Involving Leopards and Jaguars
She is either a lion-leopard hybrid or an example of a new species standing midway between these two species. I strongly ... might be hybrids, between any two of the known wild species of Felis. Against the hypothesis that the animal, which is certainly not a leopardess, ... has been verified it would be rash to regard it as an example of a genuine wild species. All that can be done at ...
Felis catus, the house cat. AGFC does not consider a "tamed" individual of a wild species to be a "domestic" animal, and thus out of our jurisdiction. For example, a ...
Wild World Glossary
Phenomena unusual and/or significant occurrences. For example, the yearly migration of monarch butterflies from central Mexico into the United States and ... refer to species using both their genus and species name. The house cat, for example, is called Felis catus. Sustainable meeting the needs of the present without diminishing the ability of ...
Project Wildlife: Living with Mountain Lions
Project Wildlife: Living with Mountain Lions Living With Mountain Lions MOUNTAIN LION FACTS Mountain lions (Felis concolor), also called cougars, pumas, panthers, and catamounts, are large cats, ranging from 7 to ... you have reason to believe a mountain lion has attacked livestock or a pet (for example, if you see pawprints around the carcass), call Project Wildlife. 1.Do not allow pets ...