evaporative condensers

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Results 1 - 2 from 2 for evaporative condensers in 0.114 sec.

Legionella in the Environment
The majority of outbreaks have been associated with cooling towers, evaporative condensers, hot and cold water systems and spa pools (also known as whirlpool spas or ... of outbreaks of Legionnaire's disease that have been associated with cooling towers or evaporative condensers have been associated with relatively small systems. Large cooling towers such as those associated ...

MEPS Requirements for Single Phase and Three Phase Air Conditioners to 65kW Cooling Capacity
Evaporative coolers or any other cooling systems which are not of the vapour compression type. Ground ... 2.65 3.20 NOTES: 1. This table includes requirements for airconditioners with water cooled condensers and water sourced heat pumps. 2. In New Zealand, MEPS became mandatory on 1 July ...