Results 1 - 10 from 32 for evangelical leaders in 0.498 sec.
NRDC: OnEarth Magazine, Fall 2006 - The Gospel of Green
Simply breaking ranks with the Bush administration on this issue took enormous courage for evangelical leaders. So if some legislator offers any kind of deal to "fix" the problem of global ...
Green by the grace of God -
But Cizik helped round up some of the nearly 100 evangelical leaders who signed onto the Evangelical Climate Initiative, which says Christians should. The signers include Jim Ball, leader of ... doesn't appear on the final version. He withdrew his name, he explained, after some evangelical leaders complained that he was speaking as if he were the voice of all evangelicals. And ...
Precaution Reporter | Environmental Research Foundation
Two years ago this month, the National Association of Evangelicals promulgated "Climate Change: An Evangelical Call to Action." The document observed at the outset: "As evangelicals we have ... statement resulted from the pleas of an evangelical British scientist that Christians in the U.S. should address global warming issues. Evangelical leaders noted when issuing the statement that while they ...
McCain and Obama face questions about faith - Decision '08 -
Older-guard evangelical leaders who oppose broadening the agenda have been leaning on Warren. In a stream ... duty of Catholics to make the abortion issue a priority in choosing public leaders. Yet, many evangelical leaders have backed him only reluctantly. And he put conservative Christians on edge ...
Where is the Environmental Movement Today?
If our political parties won't provide leaders, we'll generate our own, we say. We need a few basics securities, like good ... not acknowledge the loss of topsoil as a diminishment of human worth. In that the evangelical Christian community has always been conservative and stressed the importance of individual and group responsibility ...
Religion and the Environment Introduction
Religious leaders are finding that a way to encourage church attendance among young adults is to ... life, the United States Catholic Conference, the National Council of Churches of Christ, and the Evangelical Environmental Network. In 1983 they created the Eco-Justice Working Group. Their Web page states ...
Climate Books Popular
Intergenerational and International Equities in which thoughtful leaders from the Mormon, Jewish, Islamic, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Protestant Evangelical faiths indicated a growing awareness in each of ... time to avoid a runaway or highly destabilizing greenhouse warming, but not if our leaders continue fiddling as sand pours down the hourglass. The good news is that by ...
Orthodox Patriarch Creates Waves
Times' religion writer. The partnership, based in New York, includes all major old-line and evangelical Protestant churches, Jewish denominations and Roman Catholics. Gorman said the patriarch's declaration points to ... is wiser and better than they are as individuals, they gather to pray." Other religious leaders and institutions have spoken out in defense of what many term "caring for creation." But ...
News Bomb - Earth Day Deception (
GA "You're right." JM "There are many great statements by world leaders about this. But still, if you read the New York Times, or the Washington Post ... true Earth Day. "I was urged to sue. But I just happen to be an Evangelical Christian, and I don't believe in trying to settle problems that way. I went ...
The Ultimate Question
As founder of Earth Day I have tended ... . I was born in the state of Iowa and became an evangelical Christian. The Dali Lama was born in Tibet, where people believe in ... about. When I was a child the teaching of my father (an evangelical minister), which greatly influenced me, was based on the words of Jesus, ...
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