Results 1 - 10 from 155 for european settlers in 0.218 sec.
turkey, bobwhite, pheasant, prairie chicken and rails
For some reason, they are almost absent from southern Illinois. greater prairie chicken When European settlers first arrived, greater prairie chickens probably numbered in the millions. Today, only a small population ...
Restoration of the Mono Basin Ecosystem
Mono Basin was just beginning to be impacted on mostly a small scale by European settlers. Streams were partially diverted to irrigate ranches, but this water remained in the watershed, flowing ...
Aboriginal History of Daintree Rainforest - Australia - Kuku Yalariji/Yalanji Tribes, Australian Aboriginals
Daintree Rainforest, indeed most of Australia, was totally devoid of European interference for thousands of years. However, the discovery of gold in the Hodgkinson ... had maintained. Violent clashes between the indigenous people and the European settlers often resulted in fatalities. Not surprisingly the European settlers, with their modern sophisticated weaponry, had the upper hand. ...
American Marten - WDNR
European pine marten relatives. Their fur is soft and thick, varying in color from pale buff ... American martens, which lived throughout the northern part of the state. With the arrival of European settlers, trappers and lumbermen who cut forests and trapped martens without any regulations, marten populations declined ...
Brush Tailed Bettongs
South Australia when the Brush Tailed Bettong lost the uneven battle with European settlers and their exotic animals, the fox, the rabbit, the sheep and the cat. Now they ...
About The Land Trust for the Little Tennessee
This vision recognizes the connectivity of: • Past land use by Native Americans and European settlers with the current ecological and cultural landscape; • Patterns of current land use and management ...
Minnesota Land Trust: Conservation Programs
European explorers made their first significant foray into Middle America. The rich natural resources of the river and surrounding bluffs made this region a target for settlement by Native Indians and European settlers ...
Design of Straw Bale Buildings Introduction
Those first straw bale structures in the Sand Hills of Nebraska were built by European settlers entering the area from the 1800s onwards. Having few other means to shelter themselves, they ... by Roger Welsch published in the book Shelter(1), were inherited from the first Nebraska settlers. Steel or wood pins driven down through the bales to stabilize them, for example, were ...
ESB: To Save Trees, Cut Wood
To Save Trees, Cut Wood The forests of North America looked vast and inexhaustible to European settlers. Timber from these forests built towns, railroads and factories. What looked infinite then, looks limited ...
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Appalachian Mountains chapter for Conservation International book on Wilderness
As related by Mowat (1994), intense farming and wanton extraction of natural resources following European colonization destroyed virtually all of the region's original forest. Less than 1% of eastern ... as sad and as brutal as inflicted on the region's forests and wildlife. While European "settlers" used a moniker that must be one of history's most remarkable achievements in public ...
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