Results 1 - 10 from 11 for estimated calving rate in 0.871 sec.
The Dolphin Institute - Dolphin Research Summaries
In southeastern Alaska , multiple sightings of 41 females provided an estimated calving rate of 0.37. The ... apparent death of a calf was documented in southeastern Alaska. We suggest that the estimated calving rate from sightings of females in Hawaii is inflated by sighting biases and that the ...
The Northern Right Whale
Florida, Georgia, and Massachusetts. POPULATION TRENDS: The estimated current northwestern Atlantic population is less than 350. Although ... each year from feeding grounds in the north to the calving grounds located in the southern portion of their range. ... ' comeback is a naturally low rate of reproduction, coupled with a relatively high mortality rate (compared to other whale species) ...
Yak in Nepal based on information supplied by D.D. Joshi[11]
Nepal. These numbers represent a decline from an estimated 200 000 yak and hybrids in 1961. At the least, a ... (Urang) Hybrid Brown Swiss cross "Average" age at first calving (month) that is to say, calving at age: 44 Some at 3 years, mostly at ... at this farm over that 15-year period in the annual calving rate and a sharp drop in the interval between successive calves. Thus, ...
(Hu et al., 1988b). It is estimated that about 65 percent of total underground biomass is distributed ... other species. On the basis of these studies it can be estimated that the proportions of the different kinds of forage plants in ... Breeding of the stock occurs on the summer pastures, and so the calving rate is largely dependent on forage quantity and quality of these pastures. ...
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The EXPLOITS RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers"
The total caribou population of Newfoundland is estimated to be 60,000 - 100,000, with more than 15 herds ... quotas are set, based on a balance between the mortality rate and the "recruitment rate" (the number of animals being produced and surviving to ... their antlers during the winter, dropping them in the spring when calving is completed. The antler racks of both bulls and cows are ...
gray whale facts
During migration and while in calving areas, gray whales eat very little, although they occasionally will eat shrimp-like mysids or ... the lagoon. I believe that the survival rate of newborn babies born inside the lagoons is as high as 70 or 80 Percent. The estimated average survival for baby whales born in ...
Gwich'in ... gas pipeline are huge. Alaska's North Slope holds an estimated 35 trillion cubic feet of known reserves. The Mackenzie Delta ... planet’s thin and chemically volatile atmosphere at an unprecedented rate. For over 150 years, industrial societies have been releasing carbon ...
Greenland and Iceland. Sperm Whales have the slowest reproductive rate of all whales. Gestation lasts for about 15 months and a ... population of Humpback Whales, which are found in almost all oceans, is estimated to be fewer than 11,000. The Humpback is less slender ... They herd in pods of about a dozen while they are in calving grounds, but they reduce to groups of 3 or 4 during migration ...
Open Spaces Magazine - Symbols & Stealth: ARE 30 YEARS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION UP FOR GRABS? By Daniel Jack Chasan
August for a Republican fund raiser, he was met by an estimated 500 demonstrators protesting his announcement that he wanted to let ... a map of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that showed caribou calving where the government wanted to let oil companies drill, the ... global warming caused by human activities could certainly accelerate the rate of melting in the future.) Before Bush read the report ...
North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica) - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Calving - areas routinely used for calving and neonatal nursing Nursery - aggregation area(s) where nursing females feed and ... strikes or entanglement to North Pacific right whales at this time. Thus, the estimated annual rate of human-caused mortality and serious injury appears minimal. The reasons for the apparent ...