Results 1 - 10 from 32 for eruption clouds in 0.231 sec.
Satellite Remote Sensing of Volcanic Eruption Clouds
Remote Sensing of Volcanic Eruption Clouds Satellite Remote Sensing of Volcanic Eruption Clouds David J. Schneider, Larry R. Coke, Shiming Wen and William I. Rose Department of Geological ... of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data for the detection and discrimination of volcanic clouds, and for the retrieval of cloud optical depth, particle mass and effective radius. Eruptions of ...
CRU Information Sheet no. 13: Volcanoes and their effect on climate
The Millenial Temperature Record). The Eruption of Mt Pinatubo, Philippines, June 1991 The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines in June 1991 provided an ... system to a major volcanic event. Earlier work, from the 1960s onwards, suggested that when eruption clouds reach the lower stratosphere (about 20-25km aloft) the dust spreads around over subsequent months ...
Using Radar to Detect Ash Clouds
(Rose and Kostinski, 1994), and can accurately measure the height of eruption clouds, information that is vital for aircraft and for input into trajectory models (D' Amours 1994; Stunder and Hefftor, 1994) that can forecast the position of volcanic clouds after an eruption ...
In this way, these aerosols act much like the polar stratospheric clouds with reactions occurring on their surfaces. The resultant active chlorine species, such as ClO and ... scientists argue that the amount of chlorine put into the stratosphere by a major volcanic eruption rivals that of anthropogenically produced chlorine. In the 1980s, emissions of CFCs added chlorine at ...
CRU Information Sheet no. 2: The Causes of Climatic Change
Earth's atmosphere, the constituents of the atmosphere – gases and particles, clouds and pollution – interfere with the energy stream, reflecting some heat and light back to space ... and modelling studies of the likely effect of recent volcanic eruptions suggest that an individual eruption may generate global cooling amounting to two or three tenths of a degree Celsius. The ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: The Telltale Cloud
In the case of a nuclear explosion, computer models can estimate the ...
FMI - Research - Atmosphere - Ozone and UV radiation
UV radiation is less absorbed by clouds than visible light is. About one half of the UV radiation ... been a consequence of, among other things, the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. This eruption spewed a huge number of particles into the ... it is in the Antarctic, which prevents the formation of stratospheric clouds. This, in turn, is caused by differences in the land-ocean ...
Living on Earth: Iron Fertilization
We humans, however, are short-circuiting these accounts. When ... climate and atmospheric chemistry. For instance, one gas known as dimethylsulfide ends up causing clouds to reflect more sunlight, which cools the oceans’ surface, while other gases produced by ... - Volcanoes in New Zealand - Active volcanoes
Mt Ruapehu covered by ash after the 1995-96 eruption phase. Photo courtesy Ruapehu Tourism. Right: New Zealand's active volcanoes ( ... The last eruptive period took place in 1995 and 1996, producing clouds of ashes and lava bombs, and triggering lahars. Read more about ... above its crater is no longer visible. However its last major eruption goes back only to 1977, following a regular series of ...
Impact of Clouds on the Radiation Balance
Research Aerosol Contribution to Energy Balance Improving Representation of Clouds in Climate Models Volcanoes Reduce Atmospheric CO2 Websites Introduction to Clouds Goodbye Sunshine The Cooling Factors Additional References Gilles, J ... 200-210. Minnis, P., et al, 1993: Radiative climate forcing by the Mount Pinatubo eruption. Science, 259, 1411-1416. Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds ...
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