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Pyroclastic flows*, lava domes**,and cinder cones sometimes characterize stratovolcanoes. Usually, these types of volcanoes erupt explosively and violently, sometimes completely blowing ...
Natural Investigate: Volcanoes
Hawaiian Islands). Some volcanoes erupt explosively, while others erupt slowly. Strato volcanoes, which erupt explosively, present many deadly hazards including the release of toxic ... , landslides, and wildland fires are frequent products of volcanic eruptions. Shield volcanoes, which erupt slowly, still present several threats including the release of toxic gases, lava ...
Introduction - Guide to Stratovolcanoes
Volcanoes that will never erupt again are considered extinct. . Active volcanoes come in two classes -- volcanoes which are active, ... are currently quiet but are expected to erupt in the future. About sixty volcanoes are actively erupting each year. Not all volcanoes erupt explosively. The style of eruption (quiet lava flows ...
Largest volcano | Yellowstone volcano
The way in which the magma makes its way to the surface ...
Volcanoes--Forces of Nature--Science, Maps, Photos, Video (National Geographic)
Volcanoes can erupt in many different ways: explosively with primarily hard pyroclastic material; explosively with primarily fluid lava (lava fountains); nonexplosively, with thicker, more ...
Forces of Nature--Natural Disaster Fast Facts (National Geographic)
Earth's crust, rises toward the surface. Volcanoes can erupt in a combination of ways: explosively with hard pyroclastic material; explosively with fluid lava (lava fountains); effusively with hard pyroclastic flows ...
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