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Colong Foundation for Wilderness
The Victorian Government is also due to legislate an extension of the Alpine National Park to incorporate the Snowy River and Errinundra National Parks. Current Australian Government policy is that the areas nominated must be included in Australia 's National Heritage List ...
East Gippsland Forest Actions & Events
Errinundra National Park. The coupes have not been included in the National Park announcement, yet are iconic old growth forest that ... were involved. MORE.... EPA to investigate National Park Logging The Environmental Protection Agency is set to investigate the logging of the Errinundra National Park, which was discovered by two conservationists from ...
Logging in National Park
National Park Logging in National Park Pink tape marking Park boundary Errinundra National Park's new look Checking GPS and map on Park border Park boundary Looking down the hill from the Park border The logging ... taken place in the Errinundra National Park. An area of up to 400m2 of the Errinundra National Park was logged when VicForests incorrectly marked a logging coupe on the Park boundary. The ...
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Errinundra National Park in East Gippsland and two areas in the Otway Ranges. The size of the Forest Operations Zones in East Gippsland are larger in area than the Errinundra National Park ... in the Errinundra National Park. The park itself is slowly being ''ringbarked" by clearfell logging to prevent further expansions. The Forest Operation Zones bordering the Errinundra National Park restrict ...
Claim that 1000 hectares of forest to be preserved as blockade
Goolengook to the Errinundra National Park. Conservationists say the area, 40 per cent of which is already protected in reserves, contains ... by doubling buffers to 200 metres on either side of the Goolengook, Arte, Bemm and Errinundra rivers. The change would protect an additional 1020 hectares. The move will reinstate buffer widths ...
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Colong Foundation for Wilderness
National Park westwards to incorporate the Baw Baw National Park and to joining the national parks in East Gippsland into a single national park. The first proposal which involves extending the Alpine National Park ... Area Greater Errinundra Area Nadgee Nature Reserve# Ben Boyd National Park# South East Forests National Park with Egan Peaks Nature Reserve# Bournda National Park and Nature Reserve# ...
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