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Deschooling Society, by Ivan Illich
Ritualization of Progress 34 Institutional Spectrum 52 Irrational Consistencies 65 Learning Webs 72 Rebirth of Epimethean Man 105 Introduction I owe my interest in public education to Everett Reimer. Until we first ...
Institutional Spectrum 52 5 Irrational Consistencies 65 6 Learning Webs 72 7 Rebirth of Epimethean Man 105 Introduction I owe my interest in public education to Everett Reimer. Until we first ...
REBIRTH OF EPIMETHEAN MAN Surreptitiously, reliance on institutional process has replaced dependence on personal good will. The ... classical irony (eironeia) must conspire to expose the Promethean fallacy. 115 REBIRTH OF EPIMETHEAN MAN Prometheus is usually thought to mean "foresight," or sometimes even "he who makes ...
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