Results 1 - 10 from 106 for entering the great lakes in 0.335 sec.
Air Toxics in the Great Lakes Region
Atmospheric deposition is a significant source of certain toxic pollutants entering the Great Lakes. In fact, as much as 90 percent of some toxic loadings to the Great Lakes are believed to be the result of airborne deposition. Because the transport ...
Laws and Policies of the Great Lakes Region
Great Lake basin while conserving an environmental balance of the ecosystem. The Great Lakes Toxic Substances Control Agreement Establishs a framework for coordinated regional action in controlling toxic pollutants entering the Great Lakes ...
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Great Lakes United: Salt Free Lakes
Great Lakes. Phase I - This report investigated the transportation cost of stopping ocean-vessels from entering the Great Lakes. It would cost $55 million a year. Phase II - Updated data from Phase I, and found that a cessation of ocean-vessel access to the Great Lakes would ...
Great Lakes United - Invasive Species
Today, the majority of invasive species entering the Great Lakes originate from Eurasia and arrive in ship ballast. In efforts to stop new introductions of aquatic invasive species into the Great Lakes, Great Lakes ...
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Great Lakes Forever: Great Lakes Policy
Great Lakes. Ecosystem Restoration Great Lakes Regional Collaboration's Strategy to Restore & Protect the Lakes In 2005 President George W. Bush declared the Great Lakes to be a national treasure, and through an executive order created the ...
Our Great Lakes -
Lakes AtlasGreat Lakes MapsIndustryInvasive SpeciesWaterWater LevelsWetlandsMore... Our Great Lakes: > Home > How are the Lakes doing? > Our Great Lakes Report > How are Non-Native Species Affecting the Great Lakes How are Non-Native Species Affecting the Great Lakes ... use a combination of regulations and guidelines requiring ships entering the Great Lakes to first exchange their ballast in open salt ...
Our Great Lakes - News Flash - New Exotics
Great Lakes. Most enter the Great Lakes as unintentional passengers in the ballast water of ocean going ships, and the rate at which new species are entering the Great Lakes is increasing. Exotic aquatic species are a major threat to the Great Lakes ...
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Background Information - Research and Management Priorities for Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
The Great Lakes have a long history of invasion by nonindigenous aquatic species. The earliest record of an aquatic species invasion in the Great Lakes is the sea lamprey, first entering the Great Lakes from the Atlantic Ocean via the Erie Canal during the ...
Prevention - Research and Management Priorities for Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
Dickman and Zhang 1999; Hamer et al. 2000). The number of vessels entering the Great Lakes with ballast on board (BOB) vs. those entering with no ballast on board (NOBOB) from ... entering the Great Lakes in ballast have decreased in both absolute and relative importance over the past 25 years, and constituted only ~10% of inbound traffic to the lakes during the 1990s. NOBOB vessels constituted the ...
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Exotics-nonindigenous creatures invading the Great Lakes -
Great Lakes - Representing the national sport fishing community on Congressionally mandated federal Ruffe Control Committee and Great Lakes Panel on Exotics, the Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council recognizes the seriousness of incidentally introduced foreign species(exotics) into our ecosystem. The ...
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