Results 1 - 10 from 52 for endocrine disrupting in 0.239 sec.
Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides: Friends of the Earth: Briefing
Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides Introduction Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are found in a ... endocrine disrupting chemicals. In 1999, the Federal Environment Agency2 in Germany published a list of pesticides they considered to be confirmed or potential endocrine disrupters, some of these are described below. How Endocrine Disrupting ...
COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
Reproductive Effects Research has illuminated many of the effects of the endocrine disrupting chemicals, the organo-chlorines: PCBs, dibenzofurans, dioxin, and DDT. These chemicals mimic estrogen in the ...
Our Stolen Future: Consensus statements on the science of endocrine disruption
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) Yokohama 1999 The Effects of Endocrine Disruptors in Living Things National Research Council 1999 Hormonally-active Agents in the Environment. Erice 1995 Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals: neural, endocrine ...
Gordon Research Conferences - 2004 Program (Environmental Endocrine Disruptors)
Coffee break and photograph of GRC attendees Paul Terranova (University of Kansas Medical School) Endocrine disruption of ovarian function Taisen Iguchi (Okazaki National Research Institutes, Japan) Evaluation of endocrine ... (University of Massachusetts) Endocrine Disruptors and thyroid homeostasis Beverley Rubin (Tufts University) Endocrine disruption of neuroendocrine ...
Endocrine Disruptors: Environmental Health: MN Dept. of Health
Endocrine Disruptors: Environmental Health: MN Dept. of Health [an error occurred while processing this directive] Environmental Health Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are synthetic and natural chemicals that have the ability to alter or affect the endocrine system in ...
Hormones Gone Wild
It's not the presence of endocrine disrupting substances (EDS) in our shampoos, toothpastes, ... such complex and long-term chain reactions can ultimately result in dioxin – a powerful endocrine disrupting substance – appearing in the environment shows how difficult it is to keep track ...
WWF Endocrine Disruptor Information
Endocrine Disruptor Information Pesticides as Endocrine Disruptors WWF Endocrine Disruptor Information Dr. Theo Colborn, a leading scientist and expert on endocrine disruptors, has co-authored ... Colborn, October 3, 1996, San Francisco CA. Erice Statement on "Environmental Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Neural, Endocrine, and Behavioral Effects," International School of Ethology, November 10, 1995. ...
Our Stolen Future: A list of endocrine-disrupting compounds
Navigate the site Newest developments Book Basics New Science Consensus Statements Commentary Myths vs. Reality Useful links Important Events Other Sources Other Languages About the Authors Widespread Pollutants with Endocrine-disrupting ... compounds act in a number of ways to disrupt endocrine function by binding with the estrogen receptor, including estrogen mimickry ...
Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program | US EPA
EDSP. In recent years, some scientists have proposed that certain chemicals might be disrupting the endocrine system of humans and wildlife. A variety of chemicals have been found to disrupt the endocrine systems of animals in laboratory studies, and compelling evidence shows that endocrine ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Endocrine Disruptors and Hog Manure
Environment Canada scientists, is that pig manure can contain high concentrations of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including natural estrogens. These chemicals have been proven through various studies to ... Canada in Ontario joined forces earlier this year to determine the persistence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in soil after manure application and to establish the identity, exposure and ...
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