Results 1 - 3 from 3 for emplacement tunnels in 0.117 sec.
OCRWM - Engineering and Design
The primary man-made features of the repository include the emplacement tunnels, waste packages, drip shields, and TAD canisters. (click the image to enlarge). RELATED ... emplacement Operations for preparing and moving the waste to the emplacement tunnels Emplacement tunnel layout, design and construction Monitoring and closure of the repository This cutway image shows the repository tunnels ...
OCRWM - Repository photos
Hi-res Cutway showing the expected flow of water around a repository emplacement tunnel. Hi-res Conceptual 3D image of a remote-operated gantry that would place drip shields in repository emplacement tunnels ...
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Insectes nuisibles du jardin
DE CONTRÔLE: -Eviter de planter des cultures susceptibles si le jardin est situé a un emplacement où du gazon poussait auparavant; si le gazon est incorporé dans le sol, il devrait ... la larve grossit, pour former des taches blanches remplies d'excrément foncé; peut rejoindre les tunnels d'autres larves. Les larves peuvent retarder la croissance des plantes. -La mineuse est favorisée ...
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