elfin callophrys

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Checklist of Butterflies for North America
Callophrys xami Sandia Hairstreak Callophrys mcfarlandi Brown Elfin Callophrys augustinus Desert Elfin Callophrys fotis Moss' Elfin Callophrys mossii Hoary Elfin Callophrys polios Frosted Elfin Callophrys irus Henry's Elfin Callophrys henrici Bog Elfin Callophrys lanoraieensis Eastern Pine Elfin Callophrys niphon Western Pine Elfin Callophrys eryphon Thicket Hairstreak Callophrys spinetorum ...

Gossamer-wing Butterflies - Family Lycaenidae
Callophrys sheridani lemberti Xami Hairstreak Callophrys xami Sandia Hairstreak Callophrys mcfarlandi Brown Elfin Callophrys augustinus Desert Elfin Callophrys fotis Moss' Elfin Callophrys mossii Hoary Elfin Callophrys polios Frosted Elfin Callophrys irus Henry's Elfin Callophrys henrici Bog Elfin Callophrys lanoraieensis Eastern Pine Elfin Callophrys niphon Western Pine Elfin Callophrys eryphon ... More from this site

Threatened and Endangered Animals
NA Critical Habitat.17.95(i) Special Rule.....NA Common Name......Butterfly, San Bruno elfin Scientific Name..Callophrys mossii bayensis Historic Range...U.S.A. (CA) Status...........E When Listed......14 Vertebrate ...

Invertebrate Species Listed Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
E. e. wrighti)] E Butterfly, Saint Francis' satyr (Neonympha mitchellii francisci) E Butterfly, San Bruno elfin (Callophrys mossii bayensis) E Butterfly, Schaus swallowtail (Heraclides aristodemus ponceanus) E Butterfly, Smith's blue (Euphilotes ...

FLMNH - Butterfly Rainforest - Image Gallery Home
Fiery Skipper Florida Duskywing Florida Purplewing Forest Queen Forest woodnymph Frosted Elfin Fulvous Hairstreak Funereal Duskywing Galapagos Blue Gemmed Satyr Giant Swallowtail ... Battus Biblis Bicyclus Brephidium Bungalotis Caio Calepheles Calephelis Caligo Calinaga Calisto Callophrys Callopistria ? Calycopis Caria Carterocephalus Catonephele Celastrina Cercophana Cercyonis Cethosia Charaxes ...

Butterflies in Kansas
Hairstreak - Satyrium caryaevorum Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops Oak Hairstreak - Satyrium favonius Henry’s Elfin - Callophrys henrici 'Olive' Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus gryneus *White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album Gray Hairstreak - Strymon melinus *Red ...

Glossamer-wing Butterflies
Hairstreak (Fixsenia favonius) Brown Elfin (Callophrys augustinus) Hoary Elfin (Callophrys polios) Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus) Henry's Elfin (Callophrys henrici) Bog Elfin (Callophrys lanoraieensis) Eastern Pine Elfin (Callophrys niphon) Western Pine Elfin (Callophrys eryphon) Juniper Hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus) Hessel's Hairstreak (Callophrys hesseli) White M Hairstreak ...

Butterflies of New England - By Family
(Fixsenia favonius) Brown Elfin (Callophrys augustinus) Top Hoary Elfin (Callophrys polios) Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus) Henry's Elfin (Callophrys henrici) Bog Elfin (Callophrys lanoraieensis) Eastern Pine Elfin (Callophrys niphon) Western Pine Elfin (Callophrys eryphon) Juniper Hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus) Hessel's Hairstreak (Callophrys hesseli) White M Hairstreak ... More from this site