Results 1 - 10 from 272 for elementary and middle in 0.487 sec.
ECO-PROS Teacher Resources
Learn more about this program and how to apply. TEACH SPACE - Easy-to-teach space science lessons for upper-elementary and middle-school grades. Each month, the site centers on a different theme with a monthly module, hands-on lessons, a fun Believe it or Not quiz and a poll ...
Zebra Mussel Mania
Illinois- ... for Zebra Mussel Traveling Trunk Cooperative Learning Quick Reference Glossary Agencies and Officials Goals and Objectives Setting the Stage for Learning Student KWL Strategy (pre-test) ...
Welcome to Greentimes!
We work with high school students after school to create "By Kids, For Kids" science and environmental education materials that are distributed for free to public elementary and middle schools in Massachusetts. Multi-lingual Greenscreen Visit our French and ...
Press Room
Resource Center, the Partnership for a Green City, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the University of Kentucky (UK) Tracy Farmer Environmental Education Center. The ... books that have been reviewed and selected by librarians, teachers, environmental educators, and community members. One list is for elementary and middle schools; the second is for middle and high schools. The second ...
CREEC: Central Coast : For Teachers
The Laws Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are also available. Registration has begun! Spaces are expected to fill quickly. For upper elementary and middle school educators Fee without credit: $75 [includes meals and lodging] FOR DETAILS AND REGISTRATION visit Oceans LIVE Portal The National Geographic Society and ..., Press - save, protect, preserve wilderness and rainforest for free!
South Bronx, and a user of EcologyFund since its inception, sees the big picture. "[EcologyFund is] a beautiful blending of technology, business, and consumerism. Everyone ... to causes through traditional ways, can make a difference as well--"It's quick and fun, and there are so many options...I'm so grateful that there are organizations that ...
Where to Donate Used Computers and Electronics in the Bay Area
The nonprofit agency accepts donations of computers, (working or not), and books and software from individuals and companies throughout California. They also provide technical training for ... used computers for use in the classrooms. The group plans to train and place high school students in elementary and middle schools as tech aids in the classroom. Street: 1680 14th ...
Education and Outreach Partners
At free workshops, teachers learn to use the program and receive materials that incorporate science, math, language and ...
Environmental Education at Mono Lake and in L.A.
Education. High school and middle school students are given a presentation and training on the Mono Basin ecosystem, their watershed and sources of their water, water conservation, and actions they can take to make a difference. They then develop and make presentations in teams of three to nearby elementary school ...
SUNY-ESF, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
SUNY Upstate Medical University is located within easy walking distance. The county has 18 school districts comprising 76 elementary, 26 middle and 21 high schools. RECREATION AND LEISURE Syracuse Area Information and ... golf courses and offers opportunities for boating, swimming, downhill and cross-country skiing, indoor and outdoor ice skating, and extensive trail systems. Lake Ontario and New ...
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