Results 1 - 10 from 31 for egg poaching in 0.194 sec. Reptiles and Amphibians: Philippines Turtle Egg Poaching
Reptiles and Amphibians: Philippines Turtle Egg Poaching Reptiles and Amphibians Reptiles and Amphibians in the News Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Philippines Turtle Egg Poaching 230 turtle eggs were seized at a Philippines market; the vendors were let off with a warning. (News source.) Labels: crime, poaching, sea turtle posted ...
EuroTurtle - Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Generally nests alone or in small groups so reducing the effects of egg poaching. Nesting periods: Late spring and summer, nest every 2 or 3 years. ... in the shade of vegetation. A feature peculiar to this species. Egg number, size and weight: Clutch size mean 150 (range 70 - 250) varies with area. Egg Size: Length 30 - 45 mm; Mass 20 - 31.6 g illustration: M. ...
Costa Rican Sea Turtles
Imperiled by egg poaching, hunting, the lights of coastal development, and long line fishing practices, leatherbacks are also ... Paladino, James Spotila, and Richard Reina and countless volunteers who've worked tirelessly to stop poaching of turtle eggs. For more than 15 years, Earthwatch teams have supplied nesting data ... Reptiles and Amphibians
Labels: crime, crocodile, poaching posted by Chad Arment @ 3:59 PM 0 Comments Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Egg Poaching Six men and women have been arrested in Mexico for poaching 52,000 sea turtle eggs. (News source.) Labels: poaching, sea turtle posted by Chad Arment ...
Endangered Status Humans have had devastating impact on green turtle populations. Years of hunting, egg poaching, and destroying their natural beach habitat has caused a 48-65% decline in the ... , trawls and traps. Hence, they have become an endangered and protected species. Although illegal poaching continues, green turtles are making a comeback. Turtle-Excluding Devices, or TEDs, are one ...
WWF - Junquillal leatherbacks -- Costa Rica
Guanacaste, Costa Rica. This community-based conservation project concentrates on the social abatement of egg poaching. ``The ultimate aim is that the community values the turtles more alive than dead ... Conservation Project in Junquillal - WWF Technical Progress Report 2008 [pdf, 176 KB] Abatement of egg poaching in a Pacific Leatherback turtle nesting site in Costa Rica [pdf, 447 KB] Informe ...
Happy Harry
Tropical hardwoods, like teak, mahogany, satinwoods, rosewood or liana. Disposables of any kinds, i.e ...
Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
Egg predation by feral pigs is a significant problem on Mona, Andros, parts of Cuba, and ... are hunted primarily for food, whereas in the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos, illegal poaching for international trade is becoming an increasing concern. Finally, on islands undergoing very rapid urbanization ...
ForestHarvest - gathering non-timber forest products in Scotland: legal issues
Scotland There is growing concern over wildlife crime. Infringements range from illegal egg collection and poaching to wholesale habitat destruction and uprooting of plants on other people's land. Recorded ...
ITEC Conservation Programs
Alternative activities that may relieve turtle poaching pressure and help reestablish historic population levels include child and adult conservation ... through the continuation of a long-term tagging program. Construct and maintain egg nurseries. Relieve poaching pressure through conservation education and the establishment of alternative activities such ...
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