egg clutches

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EuroTurtle - Natural Threats
Nest predated by fox (Vulpes vulpes) Photo: © 1991 R. Salm ...

A Plague of Frogs or a Jubilee of Toads 1
(Figure 3), had recently completed their metamorphosis from egg to tadpole to toad, and were beginning to disperse into the uplands surrounding the ... submerged vegetation. It seems reasonable to assume that the spectacular swarm was the product of egg clutches laid by more than 500 females. As protection against predators, spadefoot tadpoles typically remain ...

Troodon Formosus - Prehistoric Troodon - Extinct Species
Scientists have found fossilized remains that show them nesting parents and egg clutches and small infants in nests, so they were apparently ground nesters, but at the same ...

Amphibian Articles - Introduction to the Lifecycle of Newts
Pachytriton females are known to aggressively guard their egg clutches, as are some Paramesotriton species. Oddly, some eggs of the fore mentioned species may ...

Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Females nest every year, once or twice a season, laying clutches of approximately 100 eggs. Incubation takes 50-60 days. After ... and northeastern Brazil. Despite a current prohibition on olive ridley egg harvest in Suriname, an estimated 40% of the olive ridley ...

Critter Corner | Green Sea Turtle
Kathy Boast After two months of incubation, the hatching baby turtles use their egg tooth, a temporary hard knob on their beaks, to break through the eggshell. A few ... . Many are snatched by predators on the way to sea or after reaching the water. Egg clutches are easy to spot because of the trail that the female leaves behind when she ...

CRC Reef Research Centre
Egg clutches, lying next to the anemone, are covered in its perfume-like compounds. "My research indicated that clownfish become 'addicted' to the perfume as an embryo in the egg, ... by locating a lot of clownfish egg-clutches nestled by host anemones." Mr Arvedlund's research at Lizard Island confirmed that clownfish lay their shining red egg clutches right under sea anemones, so ...

EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
May-August 35-42 days; independent at about 70 ... egg n/k n/k May-June 18-21 days; independent soon after fledging precocial and nidifugous very short time self-feeding; care mainly by male, female remates for further clutches ... for by both sexes if one clutch, by one if two clutches; brooded when small n/k n/k n/k n/k ...

Greentimes - Guest Articles
The male clutches the female's sides and begins to release sperm onto the eggs. Inside each fertilized egg, a tadpole starts to grow. Eventually it ...

Wood Turtle - WDNR
But the nests don't always survive. Egg predation by skunks, raccoons and opossums is becoming a serious problem due to an increase ... March to April and October to November. Reproductive activity (eg. courtship, copulation) is aquatic. Lay clutches of 4 to 18 eggs (avg. 8) in late May or June. Incubation approximately 70 ...

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