Results 1 - 10 from 83 for efficiently and economically in 0.291 sec.
No more, no less. Steam is used efficiently and economically. Noise from excess steam is eliminated. Powertrol's fast response time assures a smokeless flare, assisting in meeting or exceeding both state and local emission and noise ...
Hydroxyl Systems Inc. - Resources / Contaminant Glossary
Oxygenates Ethers in general and 1,4-dioxane and tetrahydrofuran in particular are highly soluble in water, biorefractory, and adsorb poorly on GAC. However, they can be destroyed efficiently and economically ...
Company Overiew, What We Do
Wastewater, Stormwater and Sludge Management Solutions Infilco Degremont looks at the entire treatment line and finds ways to control pollution efficiently and economically. We manage primary, secondary, wastewater reuse, and ...
Winter Holiday Time Energy-Saving Tips
Help your refrigerator and freezer operate efficiently and economically by keeping the doors closed as much as ... holiday time is to gather everyone together in the kitchen and wash and dry your dishes by hand. But don't ...
Biotechnology: Potential
Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture
Others are more concerned about the way this new technology will be applied – the ethical, moral, socio-economic and ...
Fresh Energy Resources - Solar Energy
Minnesota than generating electricity from ... and design/build firm located in St. Cloud, Minnesota.This building-integrated solution is state of the art for the solar industry and is designed to allow solar electric sources to be efficiently and economically ...
Marine Environmental Management - Pollution Prevention Here, There and Everywhere
Packaging: 5 Gallon Cubitainers. GTO™ Microbial based products for Grease Traps and Associated piping in Food ... " fuel, oil, chemical and solvent spill contamination on your property effectively and economically. The use of the included "micro-nutrients" accelerates the bio-remedial process and allows some clean- ...
ESSP CLP - Principles and Practices in Sustainable Development for the Engineering and Built Environment Professions Unit1 Lecture 3
Substitutability: Non-renewable resources shall be used efficiently and their use ... year 241% Halons 1989: phase out not considered possible 1993: phase out considered technologically and economically feasible - Landfill Leachate Mid-1980’s: $14.8 billion 1990: $5.7 billion 159% ...
Sustainable Development - Publications - Strategy 1997 - Part I. Sustainable Development and
Canada's Natural Resources
Canada's nuclear industry represents another example of the complexity of sustainable development. Nuclear energy offers some significant economic and environmental ...
#66 -- Precaution and Wildlife, 29-Nov-2006 | Environmental Research Foundation
Governments, private organizations, communities and individuals can contribute to this base. In determining this base, managers should consider the relative benefits to the relevant parties. Resources must be employed efficiently and ...
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