efficient aerodynamic

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Results 1 - 10 from 18 for efficient aerodynamic in 0.297 sec.

The Physics of Racing
Teams that plan on staying competitive use track testing and wind tunnels to develop the most efficient aerodynamic design. The focus of their efforts is on the aerodynamic forces of negative lift or downforce and drag. The relationship between drag and downforce is especially important. Aerodynamic ...

Rear Wing Assembly
The most efficient aerodynamic setup of the race car is based on a downforce/drag compromise. Downforce is necessary ... will determine the performance of the car. The race circuit will dictate the car's aerodynamic setup on each race day. A high downforce setup appropriate for street and road courses ... More from this site

ESB: Efficient Fireplaces
ESB: Efficient Fireplaces Efficient, Clean-Burning Fireplaces Model MRC3042 fireplace from Firespaces, Inc. The relatively low cost of zero- ... in Everett, Washington. Based on a design that originated in Holland in 1939, Frisch's "aerodynamic Rumford" has a curved back. Jerry Frisch, who markets the product, says that it can ...

Energy Losses in a Vehicle
In addition, diesels are about 30-35 percent more efficient than gasoline engines, and new advances in diesel technologies and fuels are making these vehicles ... as automated manual transmission and continuously variable transmission, are being developed to reduce these losses. Aerodynamic Drag - 2.6 percent A vehicle must expend energy to move air out of the ...

DayCreek Journal - Prius Review
Prius), more powerful (15 % better acceleration than the first generation Prius), more fuel efficient (15% better fuel economy than the first generation prius), and about the same price (as ... power, 4-cylinder gasoline engine and a 67-horse power electric motor. And it's aerodynamic too: it has one of the lowest drag coefficients, 0.26, of any production vehicle ...

Sustainable Transportation for a World Beyond Oil
The keys to automotive fuel economy, therefore, are braking and downhill-coasting energy recovery, aerodynamic drag, tyre rolling resistance, and mass. Benefits from improving any one of these are limited ... :// Groh, Jack (1995). Electric Cars Proven Twice as Efficient as Gasoline Models. NESEA News Release, June 8, 1995, ...

Professor Quester Answers - Transportation Energy
The best thing to do is make the vehicle as aerodynamic as possible and as light as possible to cut the amount of energy consumed. If ... doing this. The best wind turbines are only about 30 percent efficient and solar cells are about 10 to 15 percent efficient in converting light and mechanical energy, respectively, into electricity. Because ...

A Student's Guide to Alternative Fuel Vehicles - Electric Vehicles
Record of more than 180 miles per hour! The EV1 is very aerodynamic. This means that air slides around the body of the car very ... needed to power the car at freeway speeds. The EV1 is as aerodynamic as some jet fighter aircraft! To charge an EV's batteries, the ... mechanics. Building cars allows them to dream about ways to make cars more efficient and to use fuels other than gasoline. In 1990, the U.S. ... More from this site

Advanced Technologies & Energy Efficiency
Agency Hybrid Vehicles Diesel Vehicles & Fuels Flex-Fuel Vehicles Alternative Fuels Energy Requirements Energy Efficient Technologies Electric Vehicles Fuel Cell Vehicles Only about 15% of the energy from the ... fuel efficiency by 1%. However, these improvements must be balanced against traction, durabillity, and noise. Aerodynamic Drag – 2.6% A vehicle must expend energy to move air out of ...

Peeking into the Future: Electric Cars
Automobiles were powered by storage batteries, but the development of a low-cost and reasonably efficient internal combustion (IC) engine captured the market early on in the history of the automobile ... heat pump that heats and air-conditions; tires with 25 percent lower rolling resistance; an aerodynamic drag coefficient of only 0.19, about 30 percent better thanany current production car. The ...

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