effectively reduce

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Murray we have still failed to adjust the way our homes run to effectively reduce the waste of our most precious resource. But a South Australian solution is now available ...

ITEC Faculty
Red Algae. Recent Publications Milligan, KLD and R.E. DeWreede 2004 Morphological variations do not effectively reduce drag forces at high wave exposure for the macroalgal species, Hedophyllum sessile (in preparation). Marsden ...

Article template
Senator Cochran: Congress has substantially increased funding for projects to reduce the buildup of brush and small trees on federal lands. However, forest managers tell ... The bill provides critical new tools called for under the Healthy Forests Initiative to more effectively reduce wildfire risks and improve forest health. Is there a scientific basis for these tools? ...

Solving Nuisance Ant Problems Without Pesticides
A management plan based on sanitation and physical controls can effectively reduce household ant populations while still allowing ants to play their part in the environment. ... infestations, you can be successful. By following the tips in this article, you can effectively reduce ant populations indoors without using toxic chemicals or interfering in ants' ecological roles outdoors. ...

Heavy Equipment Pre-wash System
CS chamber. The inlet compartment shall be of sufficient volume to effectively reduce influent suspended solids, dissipate energy and begin separation. The inclined plates will sit elevated on ...

Above Ground Oil Water Separators
The inlet compartment shall be of sufficient volume to effectively reduce influent suspended solids, dissipate energy and begin separation. The media will sit elevated on top ... More from this site

Air Pollution/Transportation: Mexico City
Geographic Area: Mexico City Focal Question: Does limiting the time an automobile can be used effectively reduce car use? Sources: (1) Eskeland, Gunnar S., and Feyzioglu, Tarhan. "Rationing Can Backfire: "The 'Day ... negative factors of air pollution and congestion some measures had to be taken to somehow reduce the pollution produced by automobiles. In 1989, in an effort to alleviate congestion and ...

Air Pollution/Transportation: Singapore
Area: Air Pollution/Transportation Geographic Area: Singapore Focal Question: Can Singapore's Area Licensing scheme effectively reduce traffic congestion during the peak hours of traffic flow? Sources: (1) McCarthy, Patrick; Tay, Richard ... world. It was hoped that this ordinance would give car owners an economic incentive to reduce the use of roads in the CBD and curtail peak hour traffic by 25 to ... More from this site

Conclusions of Survey: Offshore Oilfield Drilling Wastes and Disposal Techniques to Reduce the Ecological Impact of Sea Dumping! Muddied Waters A Survey of Offshore Oilfield Drilling Wastes and Disposal Techniques to Reduce the Ecological Impact of Sea Dumping by Jonathan Wills, M.A., Ph.D., M.Inst ... the Sakhalin Shelf, is discouraged by European and North American governments and, in most areas, effectively banned. 3. Quantities of WBMs used are likely to increase, following the failure of SBMs ...

CONSUMER DRIVING TIPS - 10 Ways to Reduce Your Fuel Costs, NOW!
Ways to Reduce Your Fuel Costs, NOW! Here are ways to reduce your fuel costs in your vehicle. Purchase Fuel ... alone. Sharing a ride to work with a friend or two effectively doubles your fuel economy for the trip and may allow you ... 75 mph reduces fuel cost 13%. Driving 55 would save 25%. Reduce Air Conditioner Use / Close Windows: Using the air conditioner increases fuel ...

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