effecting growth

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Results 1 - 10 from 15 for effecting growth in 0.497 sec.

Growth of Calamus longisetus under the shade
Growth of Calamus longisetus under the shade Growth of Calamus longisetus under the shade of Azadirachta excelsa plantation and natural forest ชนาธิป กุลดิลก Abstract Study of growth and factors effecting growth ... was found to be a major factor influencing on growth of rattans. Soil, on the other hand, was not a limiting factor effecting growth of rattans that grown under canopy of trees. ...

Urban Sprawl
Population growth is the most significant factor effecting urban sprawl in the Mid-Atlantic region. As population size increases, ... landscape changing from rural to suburban. Ground water is being utilized to support the uncontrolled growth. Yet, no assessment has been conducted on groundwater availability and how aquifers are being ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Population growth, which adds new consumers, can only push it farther. The most obvious environmental consequence of ... ultimate costs to society--on what we consume. Pricing can be a powerful lever for effecting social change, for the choices that we make each day are influenced very strongly by ...

Gold Seal - Products - Dolphin Friendly
The proposal of the 12 ... 6.8 million of the three principal species involved in the tuna fishery. The annual growth rate of this population has been estimated conservatively at 2 percent. Applying this rate only ...

Enviromental Leadership Program
Ecological Literacy Students investigate ... communicators, facilitators, and visionaries. 4. Service Learning Students develop essential skills through effecting change in their community. Granted with opportunities to participate in positive actions, ...

Environmental Justice Roundtable | Environmental Justice in Waste Programs (OSWER) | US EPA
According to a top Gencorp official -- and I quote, "The Lawrence experience proves that economic growth, environmental justice, and environmental restoration can work together for the betterment of the whole ... was adopted, no one fully appreciated that pollution could also be a means for effecting some communities more than others. But I remain convinced -- economic development can continue while ...

GEO-2000: Chapter One: Global Perspectives - Chapter One: Global Perspectives
Globalization and electronic communications are effecting a profound revolution. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century is being replaced ... the report. It describes the main drivers of environmental change - the economy, population growth, political organization, conflict, peace and security, and regionalization. It then assesses the main ... | View Topic Rankings
Title: EcoMonitor :: Environmental Web Monitoring The Internet is transforming how society manages the explosive growth yet dwindling lifespan of environmental information. The vast amount of online information conceals ... various people who are interested in making the conference a more effective medium for effecting change. DISCUSSION proposed on Jun 02, 2004 weight: 1.50 from 36 evaluations Title: ...

Save The Murray
Water hyacinths spread rapidly choking waterways. Its dense growth reduces fish populations, limits food sources and provides shelter for mosquitos and other disease ... introduced as an ornamental in the aquarium trade. The plant can form dense clumps underwater effecting recreational activities such as swimming, boating and fishing. It is a noxious weed in WA ...

Elizabeth Cogburn - Warriors Of The Beauty Way
Ceremonial can facilitate release, renewal, centering, inspiration, insight, vision ... engagement; and relationship is the crucible of one's evolution, one's becoming, one's growth. I profoundly believe that living as Warriors of the Beauty Way is an alternative to ...