educate people

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Results 1 - 10 from 699 for educate people in 0.276 sec.

The Dolphin Institute - About TDI
TDI's ... of dolphins, to describe the behavior and biology of North Pacific humpback whales, and to educate people at all levels about these animals so that they may come to appreciate them and ...

Our Purpose: Florida Environment radio
The daily radio feature is a resource for citizens, students and teachers. "Efforts to educate people about Florida's environment continue to grow," said Pierce. "Teachers and students will use ... like more information about their environment." The daily radio program will feature interviews with people involved in the Florida environment. Using Internet audio technology, the program’s website will ...

History of Public Toilets plumbing world
Public Habits and Attitude In the absence of proper toilet facilities, people perforce had to defecate and urinate wherever they could. Defecating on the road, open ... were taught virtues of control. Despite technological breakthrough a lot needed to be accomplished to educate people to use the new technology appropriately, to ensure that the toilet drainage system is not ...

The Groundwater Foundation: The First 20 Years
The first obstacle was skepticism when Susan decided to create an organization that would educate people about groundwater issues in a user-friendly, nonpolitical format. Critics commented, “There is no ... attention, and one that is the lifeblood of our world. Susan’s little idea – educate and motivate citizens to care about and for groundwater – can indeed make a difference ...

Welcome to Hydro Explore
Water Recharging. In such camps Rtn. Sudhindra Mohan Sharma explained people about the importance of Ground Water, Water Conversation ... with educational institutions can be utilised for Ground water Recharging, and also to educate the students about the benefits of Water Conservation and Recharging. With this view ...

The Jane Goodall Institute
Gombe Park, the Jane Goodall Institute hopes its 46 years of research will continue to educate people and raise money. But the institute is also focusing on the chimps' neighbors: Organizers believe ... built on the premise behind the success of the Perry Learning Garden, which encourages young people to learn more about nutrition." 7/19/2004 — Growth Study Of Wild Chimpanzees Challenges ...

PSGP: Puget Sound Environmental Organizations
Pacific Northwest to people of all ages. Our mission is to conserve and restore Northwest environments by building an ... a wide range of retreats, programs, events, resources, and participation in a growing network of people who share common concerns and commitments. The Institute is grounded in the awareness that times ...

Investing in People
Investing in People Definition: Society's capacity to invest in people to ensure they become functional, productive members of society. This includes society's capacities to socialize, educate and train individuals, as well as society's capacities to foster culture and instill that culture in its members. Definition Source: None Investing in People Categories: 1 ...

Green living magazine. Filled with articles for inspiration and to educate on ways to live harmoniously with each other and the earth. ... SpeechesNon-Profit GroupsEco LinksEco CartoonsKids LinksRenewable EnergyGovernment/EducationVeggie RestaurantsEco Audio/VideoEventsCommunicationsWhat People Are SayingAccoladesAwardsE-MailMailing List AIR PURIFICATION AROMATHERAPY BABIES BEDDING BIRDING BODY ...

ALBERT EINSTEIN - peace people
We must educate the people,' he told an interviewer in 1935, `so that they choose to ... of Atomic Scientists, set up in 1946; its aims were to educate the public about the dangers of atomic warfare, to promote ... on the will of `the people'. He wanted `the people' to choose, responsibly, responsible leaders. He wanted the people to see what a terrible ...

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