ecuadorian government

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Galapagos invasive species
Ecuadorian government representative, the Ministry of the Environment, with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), has the principal objective of endowing the Ecuadorian institutions ... : the Galapagos National Park (GNP), the Galapagos National Institute (INGALA), the Ecuadorian Agricultural Health Service (SESA) and the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF). [ CDF ] [ SESA ] [ GNP ] ...

The Mountain Institute - Andean Paramo Ecosystems
Policies adopted by the Ecuadorian government and international conventions like RAMSAR to conserve the ecosystem; Increased national and ... participation of the direct users of the paramos. The project worked closely with government agencies and a network of other projects, municipal governments, local NGOs, indigenous ...

Aquaculture: Ecuador
This is clearly too short a time period to develop a sustainable focus. The Ecuadorian government should concentrate on a long run approach and protect habitats that enhance the stock of ...

Habitat Media - interview transcript
But nevertheless the real long-term answers for the Thai government, the Ecuadorian government, whatever, to make sure that there are good educational resources that are universally available ... go to the urban areas to get jobs; they had job skills. So local government, and even national government I think, has a big role there. Coastal zone protection: I think shrimp ...

II Continental Summit of the Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of AYA YALA
To express our solidarity with the CONAIE that is facing a strong attack from the Ecuadorian government of Colonel Gutiérrez that is trying to undermine its struggle to build a plurinational state ... defended their national sovereignty in the face of a strong push from the United States government, and we call on them to take action against the referendum scheduled for August 15 ...

ISPTR/PARD - Our Purpose
Some of our accomplishments are: TRUSTED by the Peruvian government, in 1990, Roxanne was given the honor of being the first woman to ... the Ecuadorian government. They compiled census data plus behaviorial and feeding patterns on the pink dolphins (inia geoffrensis) while they mapped the Lagarto River at the request of the Equadorian government ...

Lesson Plans - The Galápagos Islands: A Special Place
Darwin arrived. The tortoises are now listed as endangered and are being protected by the Ecuadorian government. For more information about giant tortoises visit the National Geographic: Galápagos Tortoise page. Closing ...

No Dirty Gold
Facing pepper spray and bullets, Rosario and Junín's residents held their ground. Now the Ecuadorian government has revoked Ascendant Copper's concessions in Junín, and Ascendant is facing a lawsuit in ...

The Pachamama Alliance
Strengthen Alliance with Shuar to Defend Land Shiwiar People Win Recognition from Ecuadorian Government The Pachamama Alliance Annual Rainforest Luncheon Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream ... New Moon Update Achuar Gather to Celebrate Cultural Identity Kichwa People React to Ecuadorian Government Official's Statement on Oil Development Regenerative Design and Permaculture: Re-establishing ...

The Pachamama Alliance - Green Plan for Ecuador Adopted as Policy Option for New Government
In an effort to gain public visibility, Pachamama's Ecuadorian entity, Fundacion Pachamama, worked with seven other non-governmental organizations to translate the ... interest to include it within their government plans. The results of the initiative are promising. Most notably, newly elected president, Rafael Correa's, government plan endorses the Green Plan ... More from this site

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