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The Jane Goodall Institute
Ebola virus threatens Central Africa's apes - Mail & Guardian Online Conservationists say the dreaded Ebola virus, along with decades of hunting and logging, is putting ... up with symptoms of HIV, but are testing negative for both the virus and its primate equivalent SIV, the virus from which HIV is thought to have evolved. That suggests that new ...
MedlinePlus: Infections Topics
Dengue Diphtheria E. Coli Infections Ebola Virus see Hemorrhagic Fevers EBV Infections see Infectious Mononucleosis Ehrlichiosis see Tick Bites Epstein-Barr Virus Infections see Infectious Mononucleosis ... Aureus see MRSA Moniliasis see Yeast Infections Monkeypox see Monkeypox Virus Infections Monkeypox Virus Infections Mononucleosis see Infectious Mononucleosis MRSA Mumps Mycoses see Fungal ...
Medical Encyclopedia: Topics beginning with E-Ep
Lambert-Eaton Syndrome Ebola hemorrhagic fever Ebola virus infection see Ebola hemorrhagic fever Ebstein's anomaly EBV antibody test see Epstein-Barr virus test Ecchymoses see Bleeding into ... mark treatment ECG ECG - exercise treadmill see Exercise stress test Echinococcus ECHO virus Echocardiogram Echocardiogram - transthoracic see Echocardiogram Echography - eye see Eye and orbit ultrasound ...
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Great apes in the wild increasingly rare with habitat destruction, human encroachment
Ebola virus. Only about 700 Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) survive in the wild today. About one ... , because of rapidly increasing human population in range states, the spread of diseases such as Ebola and political instability in range states. Most of the conditions that have caused the rapid ...
Mk's InfoBahn Off-Ramps
EBOLA VIRUS (1995, 2000) Marburg & Ebola Viruses (Encyclop.of Virology) Ebola Outbreaks - Updates Ebola Recommended Reading list National Center for Infectious Diseases WHO Ebola Factsheet (1997) WHO Ebola Publications & Documents Ebola ...
F.A.Q's/Medical Microbiology: by
College of Wisconsin. What is an Ebola Virus?: An emerging disease from Africa. Ebola virus infections are very deadly. Find out more by clicking below. http:// ... Flu? Where Did The AIDS Virus Come From? Researchers demonstrate where the AIDS virus came from. ...
Adventure May/June 2001 @
Sanchez had heard that Ebola, after a four-year respite, had resurfaced, this time in northern Uganda. Sanchez, 47, had spent much of his career researching the Ebola virus, often in the CDC ... the May/June 2001 issue of Adventure. (Subscribe today!) Adventure Online Extra Photo Gallery: Outbreak—Ebola "Exposure" took on a harrowing new meaning as photographer Seamus Murphy covered a recent plague ...
Adventure May/June 2001 @
Ebola Hunters Writer Tom Clynes on Covering Medicine's Most Dangerous Frontier "A body that has just died from the Ebola virus is probably the most lethal thing on Earth," says Adventure contributing editor Tom Clynes, referring to the virus's ... international medical workers as they battled to contain the virus and unravel its mysteries. For the new article "Dangerous Medicine" ...
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VHS news links | Great Lakes news | sports fish Great Lakes
Paul Bowser, a Cornell professor of aquatic animal medicine. (Feb 15, 07) The Ithaca Journal - - Ithaca, NY 'Fish Ebola virus' threatens lakes A ... that biologists call "Ebola virus for fish." Viral hemorrhagic septicemia, or VHS, is sweeping across the Great Lakes, leaving thousands of dead fish in its wake. Like the Ebola virus in humans that ...
Monkey Maddness - Publication of Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of B Virus Infections in Exposed Persons
Virus Infections in Exposed Persons Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 (B virus) infection is widespread among Macaca genus primates; the virus is the biologic counterpart of herpes simplex virus in humans. B virus ... laboratory personnel. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 1989;12:333-5. 3. CDC. Update: Ebola-related filovirus infection in nonhuman primates and interim guidelines for handling nonhuman primates ...
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