Results 1 - 2 from 2 for easy eco szentendre training in 0.101 sec.
REC Hungarian Country Office
Municipality of Szentendre will host the traditional Earth Day A B O U T T H E E V E N T Evaluation of Sustainability European Conferences & Training Courses EASY-ECO-2005-2007 is a series of seven conferences and training courses, which are scheduled to take place in Austria, Germany ...
REC Hungarian Country Office
EASY-ECO Szentendre Training EvAluation of SustainabilitY European COnferences and Training Courses EASY-ECO Szentendre training is the second in the series of training and conferences of the EASY-ECO 2005-2007, ... . Theme of the Szentendre training The structure and the content of the EASY-ECO Szentendre training was designed by the international team of the EASY-ECO project from Austria, Germany ...