east timorese

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Pinochet. We supplied the training and weapons for Indonesia as they killed 200,000 East Timorese. Our policies towards China, Cuba, Mexico & the Chiapas, Iraq, Iran, Africa, etc. are clearly not ... choices of conduct. Compassionate solutions are rare and ignored. Going into the Balkans, the Middle East and elsewhere to "fix" situations with a long history of disorders is like trying to ...

Solidarity South Pacific - What you can do - Action Chronology
(EF! Action Update No.29) The flags of East Timor and West Papua were taken to the action - the East Timorese flag being flown from a flag pole outside the base ...

Carole Reckinger and Sara Gonzalez Devant find rumour, intrigue and the demise of a key player as Timor-Leste's crisis worsens. | February 2008 | New Internationalist
East Timorese to take up arms and join armed groups. Violent gangs of mostly unemployed youths joined ... deep divisions in our society from 25 years of conflict, and the violence which entered East Timorese political life in 1975, remain a potential stumbling block to the development of a ...

Timor-Leste's landscape is still deeply scarred from the conflict that raged in 1999, after the Timorese population voted for independence from Indonesia. | July 2008 | New Internationalist
Cruz cemetery in 1991 made international headlines and became the symbol of the East Timorese plight. In 1999 both internal and international pressure led to Indonesia conceding a ... four centuries of Portuguese colonialism. Deforestation and land erosion remain substantial problems. CultureThe East Timorese people are descended from Melanesian and Malayan populations. ReligionAbout 90 per cent of ... More from this site