earthquake parameters

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Results 1 - 6 from 6 for earthquake parameters in 0.166 sec.

Earthquake Intensity Data
Earthquake Parameters: Event Date, Epicenter Coordinates, Earthquake Magnitude City Parameters: Modified Mercalli Intensity, State, City Name The Earthquake Intensity Database (1638-1985) includes the maximum intensity for each city (or locality) that felt a particular earthquake ... more information on the contents of this database. Earthquake Parameters Enter the Event Date as a year: Beginning date ...

NGDC/STP - Introduction to the Ionosphere
The ionosphere is a dynamic system controlled by many parameters including acoustic motions of the atmosphere, electromagnetic emissions, and variations in the geomagnetic field. Because ... in the ionosphere up to six days prior to a large earthquake, such as with the May 1960, Chilean 8.3 earthquake. The most accurate way of measuring the ionosphere is with ... More from this site

Seismology and Volcanology Research Department
(The 2nd Laboratory) Improvement of accuracy of volcano observation data by meteorological correction and others (The 3rd Laboratory) Introduction of effects of crustal inhomogeneity on hypocenter parameters and seismicity parameters (The 4th Laboratory) Special Research Improvement in prediction accuracy for the Tokai earthquake and ...

Ecotecture Design - Planning Your Project
One of the benefits of a feasibility consultation is to set goals and project parameters at the very beginning of the design phase. The project's "program" or list of ... set of engineer's calculations showing that the proposed structure is sound and will resist earthquake and wind forces. In California, an energy performance report specifying insulation values, heater type and ...

Historical Seismology in Switzerland: Reflections on Issues and Insights
Improving the quality of historical data underlying macroseismic and seismological parameters has been proposed as a desideratum. As a consequence, the investigation and interpretation ... and to establish contact with scientific disciplines. The revision of the new unified Earthquake Catalog of Switzerland and neighbouring regions (ECOS) during 2000-2002 has to be ...

Home page of Navdanya
NAT, MCT and other transverse fault are present in this area. The occurrence of past earthquake is mainly clustered in the vicinity of the surface trace of MCT. Due to presence ... be changing due to ecosystem variation, it will further change the physico chemical and biological parameters of the area. Which will further result in vanishing of the biota and many exotic ...