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Salt Lake Tribune January 16, 2002. A bacterial disease has killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of eared grebes in the Great Salt Lake, a Utah Department of Natural Resources biologist said Tuesday. Davis ...
The Big Picture: Great Basin Edge
California Gulls. These two lakes also provide critical habitat for most of the migratory Eared Grebes in North America and most of the migratory Wilson’s Phalaropes in the Western Hemisphere ...
Birds at Mono Lake
A vital stop on the Pacific Flyway, migrating Eared Grebes, Wilson’s Phalaropes, and Red-necked Phalaropes are among the ... water-bound birds as they feast on brine shrimp. The grebes double, and in some cases nearly triple their weight after ... the big migration picture. Because large numbers of phalaropes, gulls and grebes depend on the lake, along with approximately 100 species of other ...
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Bird-watching: Utah Bird-watching Sites @
The result is vast congregations of Eared Grebes, shorebirds (look for Snowy Plover, among many others, along the causeway, and for Wilson’ ... 14.5-kilometer] auto tour route, look for nesting waterbirds including Pied-billed, Eared, Western, and Clark’s Grebes; Double-crested Cormorant; Great Blue Heron; Snowy Egret; Black-crowned Night-Heron; ...
USGS National Wildlife Health Center - Avian Cholera
California gulls, and green-winged teal. Eared grebes began dying around November 6th near Promontory Point; by December 1, estimates were that about 15,000 grebes out of a ... south, near the town of Saltair, another die-off began around December 17 that affected grebes, green-winged teal and northern shovelers. About 1,500 birds died in this area. ...
PRBO Conservation Science: Cosco Busan Oil Spill
Cosco Busan event: Surf Scoters, Western Grebes, Eared Grebes, Greater Scaup, Common Murres, and Brandt's Cormorants. Other common species included Clark's Grebes, Horned Grebes, Ruddy Ducks, Greater White-winged Scoters and ...
USGS National Wildlife Health Center - Publications
Services (USFWS) and the Salton Sea Authority identified mortality in Ruddy ducks, American avocets, and eared grebes at the mouths of agricultural drains on the northwestern shoreline of the Salton Sea in ... retrieved during this die-off, there were 3,839 ruddy ducks, 95 American coots, 83 eared grebes, and birds from 21 other species. Widespread Common Murre Mortality in Alaska. In late March ...
PRBO Conservation Science: Grebe trends
Reyes, the Eared Grebe is a common winter resident, but very rare in the summer. The Eared Grebe arrives in late July and stays in the area until spring. Eared Grebes forage primarily on estuaries and lagoons and occasionally on freshwater ponds and inshore waters such as Drake’s Bay. Bolinas Lagoon Population Trends The number of Eared Grebes has ...
Lake Tribune January 16, 2002. A bacterial disease has killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of eared grebes in the Great Salt Lake, a Utah Department of Natural Resources biologist said Tuesday. ... controversial carnivores is reduced, a group of Utah scientists and environmental activists contend. Eccentric Eared Grebe May Help Unlock Mysteries of the Ecosystem The Salt Lake Tribune November 25, ...
Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory: Checklist of the Birds of Rancho Aribabi, Sonora
Moctezuma o Codorniz Arlequín Mexicana)- 1,3 Gambel's Quail (Codorniz de Gambel)- 1,6 Grebes - Podicipedidae Eared Grebe (Zambullidor Orejudo) - 1 Cormorants - Phalacrocoracidae Double-crested Cormorant (Cormorán Doble Cresta o Cormorán ...
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