duales system

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Solid Waste Management: Germany
Solid Waste Management Conference (1995): 17-32. (3) "Duales System on Firmer Ground in Germany" BioCycle Vol. 35, No. 6 ... s green dot system in theory would cause manufactures to design packaging for waste avoidance. The system concentrates on ... System" (Duales System Deutschland) was created. It is a non-profit organization in which industries pay a fee to become a member. Members of the Dual System ...

CWMA Articles: "Letter - Producer Responsibility"
They either pay into the Duales System Deustchland (DSD) and place a green dot on the label, ... of someone else's marketing-oriented packaging. If a Canadian system means full responsibility, as opposed to a proposed 50% responsibility ... . We have to trust industry to develop the most efficient system to handle the resulting regulated program. Those collectors may be ...

SBN Feature Article: June 1997
Thus was born the industry-operated Duales System Deutschland (DSD). With some 600 ... Future recommends that companies, trade associations, wholesalers, retailers and consumer groups "adopt a voluntary system that ensures responsibility for the environmental effects throughout a product's life cycle by ...

DNR, Natur- & Umweltschutzverbände EcoShopper Gebäudeenergieberater, Ingenieure, Handwerker e.V., Bundesverband der, (GIH) Grüne Punkt - Duales System Deutschland AG, Der HanfHaus Online Shop - Hempro Int. . - Isolierung, Wärmedämmung, Gebäudeenergieberatung ...

Manufacturing a Myth
Unlike glass and aluminum, plastic had no system for recycling - no infrastructure to sell it, no markets to buy it, no ... responsibility for their packaging. Nationwide, manufacturers contract for curbside collection with one private company, Duales System Deutschland (DSD), which then grants green-dot certification, declaring that the bottle will ...