dsm budget

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Regulatory frameworks for demand side management
DSM plans. Very few jurisdictions have a formal consultative process, but utilities typically involve stakeholders in developing the DSM plans. Budget and target setting process The DSM budget is almost always set first, before the target is developed. Many jurisdictions allow multi-year DSM plans, in which the budget, ...

IndEco: Publications and papers
EDIST) Conference & Exhibition on January 27th on: Canadian Natural Gas Distribution Utilities' Best Practices in DSM - Lessons and Applications for Ontario's LDCs. 2005 Brant County Power conservation and demand ... rates for 2006. The Alliance's recommendations include: allowing the LDCs to set a budget based on their gross revenues, providing a lost revenue adjustment mechanism, and an incentive ... More from this site

Demand-Side Management of Energy: Wisconsin, USA
As a facet of sustainable development energy conservation through DSM offers welcome potential: "Credible estimates indicate that cost-effective technologies available today have the ... conservation benefit of $16.0 million during the 1990-91 test year from an authorized budget of $5.7 million. Despite winning two of the sectors MG&E proposed retaining ...

NAESCO - Membership Application
Federal, state, or local government or regulatory entity or non-profit entity (with a budget of less than $100,000) involved with promoting, regulating, or purchasing energy services. Chartered ... City: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: Phone: Fax: Email: Primary Line of Business: Description of DSM Services/Products Offered: Were you referred by a current member? Yes No If yes, ...

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