dry bushy savannah

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Results 1 - 2 from 2 for dry bushy savannah in 0.132 sec.

Madagascar Wildlife Conservation
Outside the riverbed the area is characterized by a dry bushy savannah. This species appears similar ecologically to the xeric-adapted Leptotyphlopidae (i.e., Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus) ... protected area network for the safeguard of his rocky forested slopes and of the dry bushy savannah hosting an unique herpetofauna.” The article can be found at http://www.mapress. ...

Birds of RBNC
Behavior: Often stands in a "spread-eagle" pose to dry off. HOTSPOTS: upper pond pied-billed grebe Habitat: ponds, lakes ... Pigeon-sized bird. Both have blue above and white below with bushy crest and a blue breast band with a dagger-like ... sparrow grasshopper sparrow Harris’ sparrow house sparrow Lincoln’s sparrow savannah sparrow sharp-tailed sparrow ong sparrow swamp sparrow vesper ...