Results 1 - 10 from 53 for drought tolerance in 0.498 sec.
Screening of cowpea, bambara groundnut and AMARANTHUS germplasm for drought tolerance and testing of the selected plant material in participatation with targeted communities
The techniques selected were able to distinguish between drought tolerance in the different genotypes tested. It was also noticed that the different species reacted differently to a drought stress. Some of the selections out performed the control drought tolerant lines, indicating the successful identification of increased drought tolerance in ...
CBOT sampling protocols
When applied to cropland, compost adds organic matter, improves moisture retention (drought tolerance) and soil structure, reduces fertilizer requirements and reduces the potential for soil erosion. IMPROVED MANURE ...
These techniques have proved to be successful ... turn, acquires an array of benefits such as better uptake of phosphorus, salinity and drought tolerance, maintenance of water balance, and overall increase in plant growth and development. While selecting ...
Agricultural Water Management - FWR
Screening of Cowpea, Bambara Groundnut and Amaranthus Germplasm for Drought Tolerance and Testing of the Selected Plant Material in Participation with Targeted Communities - MH Spreeth, MM ...
Cenchrus ciliaris
(Anderson, 1970). For greater flood tolerance, Anderson (1970) recommends selecting taller varieties of C. ciliaris, and leaving the plants ... its ease and low cost of establishment, comparatively high value and yield, extreme drought tolerance, stand persistance, and tolerance to crop pests, overgrazing and trampling by livestock. It is cultivated for ...
Welcome to
Additionally, drought tolerance is in reference to established plants, not newly germinated seeds. Deep root systems are native grasses' defense to drought and obviously newly ... do more harm than good. I am particularly concerned this year due to the drought. Burning has a significant effect on the soil moisture. Unless you receive an adequate ...
Wolfberry Farm | College Highlights | Prescott College
At ... and other agriculturally-related subjects Conduct experiments in irrigation methods, native plants, drought tolerance, crop rotation, soil regeneration, organic farming and more Have opportunities to ...
Plants for drought tolerance, creating wildlife, beneficial insect, butterfly and hummingbird habitat, fire and erosion control, ... listed include both California natives and non natives. While many species are drought tolerant, supplemental watering can greatly enhance and extend flowering periods. Flowering ...
San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Prairies and Steppes
The grasses have strong roots, flexible stems that can store nutrients, and varying degrees of drought tolerance. These grasses keep the prairie functioning: when an area is overgrazed or farmed intensively for ...
Drought Resistant GM Rice Toxic?
Traits such as herbicide tolerance, insect resistance and virus resistance have been commercialized without much understanding of the metabolic ... and spermine by increased SAMDC enzyme. The exact mechanism by which increased putrescine increases drought resistance is not fully understood but it is clear that elevated putrescine levels ...
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