drilling activity

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Results 1 - 10 from 122 for drilling activity in 0.280 sec.

The Law on Offshore Wastes Discharges in the UK
(See Appendices 4, 7 and 8) However, the UK also has a far higher percentage of the total OSPAR discharges than its proportion of the drilling activity ... The OSPAR Convention United Kingdom Norway Canada United States Inviting Regulation Environmental Effects of Drilling Waste Discharges The SBM Controversy "Non-Water Quality Environmental Impacts" Additives Drill Cuttings ...

NRDC: 2006 Annual Report - Saving Endangered Wildlife and Wild Places
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, NRDC and an environmental coalition raced to court and won a temporary injunction blocking all drilling activity through the end of the year. The administration's own experts have predicted that drilling in Alaska's Beaufort sea would cause ...

Reef Relief - Coral Reef Conservation: Science Education News Photos and Information
We encourage you to: *Oppose any new offshore oil and gas leasing, exploration, drilling activity and seismic inventories affecting Florida’s coast. * Permanently cancel the 90+ existing ... through rents due and royalty forgiveness for other current drilling activity. * Support new Congressional moratoria against offshore oil drilling near Florida and other fragile coastal areas. * Encourage ...

MCLUC Reporter, Fall 1994
Ever since drilling activity began on our property last December, work crews for Savoy ... would result in "a reduction in royalty income due to reduced drilling and production." That is not true. MCLUC has consistently advocated ... but will instead be used to interfere with and obstruct my drilling and development activities in Manistee and Benzie counties. I will ...

EIA - Energy Information Sheets Index: Crude Oil Production
The first oil well in the U.S. was drilled in Titusville , Pennsylvania in 1859. Drilling activity and crude oil production expanded slowly to supply mostly lubricants and kerosene for use in ...

Conclusions of Survey: Offshore Oilfield Drilling Wastes and Disposal Techniques to Reduce the Ecological Impact of Sea Dumping
Europe almost all discharges of oil-based drilling muds (OBM) ceased some years ago. The USA still permits synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) discharges but these are currently being ... incapable of taking fully into account the long-term benefits of environmentally benign industrial activity, however "green-minded" individual executives may be; and the public, for whose environment elected ...

Drilling a hole in consumers' pockets, Martha Marks
Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should be permitted only if the parties that stand to gain from the drilling (oil companies) are required to bear the full costs of that activity. To the extent that these costs are allowed to be externalized onto the public, allowing drilling in the ...

Trips with Energy Ant- Visits to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL) & Drilling Rig
My Trips to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Kerr McGee Drilling Rig! Whew! The EIA really has me traveling. In beautiful Golden ... us to an oil well drilling site owned by Kerr McGee! Boy, there sure is a lot of activity here. NREL works hard to ... the time. One way drilling has become more efficient is through the use of directional drilling. At this site, directional drilling was used to ...

(10/20/97) U'wa Tell Court: Mass Suicide Unless Oil Drilling Stops
Tell Court: Mass Suicide Unless Oil Drilling Stops U'wa Tell Court: Mass Suicide Unless Oil Drilling Stops by Danielle Knight BACKGROUND and ... to it. Colombia's Ministry of Mining, however, reiterated that "oil activity in the area will not cease." The U'wa drew ... . The site subsequently was re-named the 'Cliff of Glory.' Drilling for oil on indigenous land is direct opposition to the Constitution ...

NCPA - Environment - Wildlife and Oil Drilling
Drilling Environment Wildlife and Oil Drilling With the debate heating up over the prospects of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling, it may be helpful to review how drilling ... oil and gas activity is underway -- with no major spills or widespread death of wildlife in recent memory, wildlife officials report. Even the Audubon Society has condoned drilling in wildlife ...

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