Results 1 - 10 from 26 for drift gill in 0.366 sec.
SoundNet - Ocean Crisis Caused by Destructive Fishing
Leatherback Turtle May Face Extinction Among the marine species most threatened by longlining and gill netting is the Pacific leatherback sea turtle, the scientists wrote. "Tragic declines of ... The overall ecological impacts associated with bottom trawls, bottom gillnets, dredges and midwater or drift gillnets ranked relatively high, with bottom trawling topping the list as the most ecologically ...
SCS: South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)
Drift gill net fisheries may also result in the bycatch of sea lions when deployed along their ...
SCS: South American Fur Seal (Arctocephalus australis)
However some interactions with salmon farms in Chile have been reported. Drift gill nets placed in the transit routes of fur seals may also contribute significantly to mortality ...
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NCMC Conservation News - NMFS Considering Allowing Longlines in the Pacific
However, the applicant has stated the purpose of his experiment is to determine whether drift gillnet gear could be phased out in favor of establishing a longline fishery of over ... a full-scale longline fishery could be an "environmentally friendly" alternative to the tightly-restricted drift gill net fishery. The applicant claims that bycatch will be less than in the driftnet fishery ...
In April, 1998, NMFS authorized a longline fishing vessel (CHRIS) to rendezvous with a ...
These may include longlines, drift gill nets, or pair trawling. The majority of the sharks are brought along side or aboard ...
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Giant Sharks of the Bay (Chesapeake, Hudson, San Francisco)
During the day they peer out for any edible material to drop or drift by, such as an anglers' baits and lures. As the edible item comes by, the ... in spring fed caverns in tropical waters, looking alot like a shark slumber party. Seven gill sharks, the megamouth shark (which has a habit of eating anchors and gets 20 feet ...
ECO-PROS Human Impact on Oceans
Plastic floating in the ocean can ... described: Beam trawl, Demersal otter trawl, Multi-rig trawl, Dive-caught, Dredging, Drift net, Fish attraction devices, Fish farming, Gill or fixed nets, Handline, Jigging, Trolling, Hand-gathering / picking / collection, Harpoon, ...
The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - In the News
So we set up the boat to drift on a particular course, we throw the lure out with the bait, and then as we drift along the sharks pick up the smell. They look up, and they ... that carried debris from commercial fishing such as swordfish harpoon lanyards and gill-netting. As a fisherman I recognised that as equipment that was only ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Examples of techniques now in use include gill nets that entrap fish more effectively, the use of ever larger purse seines, and drift nets that stretch out tens of miles from ... on the conservation of natural resources, the situation can be all too easily overstated. Gill nets and drift nets, for example, pose a threat to fish stocks only to the extent that ...