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National Rivers: Rivers of Alaska, Alaska whitewater, Alaska
paddling, Alaska canoeing, Alaska kayaking, Alaska rafting, Alaska
fly-fishing, Alaska river conservation and river access.
Fortymile River NEW!!--Taku River Fortymile River Suction dredge mining on hold on Fortymile River The Bureau of Land Management will not allow dredge miners searching for gold to camp on the federal ... Alaska Environmental Center ( have filed objections to a proposal to allow dredge miners to camp on those lands, citing BLM's own concerns that such mining would produce ...
NCPA - Environment - Aftermath Of Court's Wetlands Ruling
A federal district court decision in 1997 has made it easier for landowners, developers and miners to manage wetlands without having to apply to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ... only during the spring. County flood control managers also are relieved at being able to dredge sediments out of flood control channels without having to apply for a permit. Source: Traci ...
Ok Tedi Environment - Impacts
The Ok Tedi at Tabubil has a river bed elevated 10 - 20 m. Miners never miss an occasion, to mention the landslides in the mountain areas, that may fill ... the acid. This sounds plausible, if the tailings were disposed, e.g. on the Bige dredge site. In the river system, however, many biological processes take place, that may lead to ...