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Clydesdale was imported into New Zealand. (As early as 1849, draught horses, including “Clydes” were being recommended by settlers in preference to oxen for ... in other agricultural provinces. Otago, with its Scottish settlements, became the breeding centre for draught horses, and not surprisingly the Clydesdale predominated. The years following the First World War saw ...
Horses A Rare Breed of British Origin Suffolk Punch horse, mid 1830s (From a painting by William Shiels) The Suffolk Punch horse has a long and well-established history as a draught ... deep neck, and particularly its steadiness in draught – 'no horses exerted themselves better at a dead ... distinguished the Suffolk Punch from other British draught horses were its colour – generally described as ...
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Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: the Shire Horse
Great Horses were out of a job and their numbers declined dramatically until the late eighteenth century when their potential as draught horses (from the Anglo-Saxon dragan ... Shire Horse. Pamphlet, 1998. Glyn Richard. The worlds finest horses and ponies, 1971. Lavine, Sigmund and Casey, Brigid. Wonders of draft horses, 1983. Wondergem, Gerard. Has the Shire a future?, ...
Cossacks in Central Asia, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Behind the bivouac was the Cossack horse-line; behind the horses, was the center of the barricade housing the staff, the artillery park, the engineer and ... , 180 pounds sugar, five one-half gallons of spirits weighing eighty pounds. Oats for the draught horses, 600 pounds. Fifteen kibitkas (ie ten per company, two for sick, three for officers) weighing ...
OTHER THAN HORSES (2) DRAUGHT AND RIDING ANIMALS OTHER THAN HORSES (2) Around the world, a number of animals are used for riding and draught. 1902. On heavy soil, oxen were preferred to draught horses due ... . These circus elephants are being used to plough land in Surrey, England instead of using draught horses. During the winter, when the circus was not travelling, animals such as elephants had to ...
Solar Power - Peace Energy Cooperative - Generate The Future!
The use of five Percheron horses has significantly reduced their fuel consumption, provided a wonderful ...
Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: Rare and Minority Breeds of Horses in Australia
Minority Breeds of Horses in Australia | Home | Contact | Search | Site Index | Rare and Minority Breeds of Horses in Australia Andalusian Australian Draught Belgian Caspian Cleveland Bay Connemara Dartmoor English Spotted Pony Exmoor Falabella Fjord Hackney Hafflinger Highland Irish Draught Lippizaner ...
Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: The Waler Horse
Australia. Walers were bred from a range of blood, Draught and Pony breeds : most notably the Cape horses (Basuto and Barbs), staying bred Thoroughbreds. The endurance / desert ... Troopers Mount/Warmblood type Heavy - Artillery / Draught type / Harness Pony - Under 14.2hh - Athletic games horses Some people are opposed to establishing the descendants of these horses as a bred, and in ...
Unlike fish they can be handled and give affection. Unlike horses they do not need regular veterinary attention or expensive upkeep. Yes, the domesticated guinea pig ... . Eye problems sore, runny eyes sometimes occur particularly if the pig is kept in a draught. Treatment is usually by eye drops or ointment on prescription. Dental problems We were worried ...
HORSES Once the motive power on farms and the main means of transport (riding and draught), horses have been replaced by machines. Even the showy brewers' drays are now in decline, mainly for reasons of road safety. Unlike continental Europe, Britain does not farm horses for ...
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