drank radioactive water

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Uranium miners
The mine had no bathroom facilities, so miners drank radioactive water and cleaned themselves with soft, doughy chunks or uranium ore after relieving themselves he said ... of Shiprock, N.M., said he and his siblings played in uranium mine tailings and drank radioactive water during the decades his father worked in uranium mines in Colorado in the 1950s and ...

Ridge who never knew what was in the water they drank or the air they breathed? The Toxic Waste Incinerator continues to burn hazardous, radioactive waste without the provision of monitors to make ... More from this site

Ch. 5: Shelter, the Greatest Need - Nuclear War Survival Skills
Only the highest-energy beta particles can penetrate more than about 10 feet of air or about )1/8 inch of water, wood, or human ... of the Marshall Islanders unknowingly ate fallout-contaminated food and drank fallout- contaminated water for two days. Mainly as a result of this, radioactive iodine was concentrated in their thyroid glands, and thyroid ...

Mass Media & Environmental Conflict -- Radium Girls
They mixed up glue, water and radium powder into a glowing greenish-white paint, ... to kill hundreds or possibly thousands of unsuspecting health enthusiasts who drank it regularly for several years.11 An overview of ... . Knef, "Some Unrecognized Dangers in the Use and Handling of Radioactive Substances Journal of the American Medical Association, (December 5, 1925): ...