domestic stock

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Results 1 - 10 from 206 for domestic stock in 0.277 sec.

Rebutting the Usual Excuses
If a dingo or dog is caught in the act of maiming or killing stock, then even at this point, that particular animal should be accurately shot and killed quickly. If the same law were to apply in principle toward domestic breeds of dog, being that for every dog that has ever killed or mauled any domestic stock, means that ...

The Hawk Conservancy Trust - Campbell's Conservation Page (Spring 2001)
Contamination of vultures occurs following the consumption of deceased domestic stock previously treated with Diclofenac. To address the crisis, reactive strategies could include an attempted withdrawal ...

The Kalahari Years
Officials believed erroneously that the wild animals would infect cattle with 'hoof-and-mouth disease ...

The Mountain Institute - Snow Leopard
In Russia, Siberian red deer, roe deer, wild boar ... depletion (through hunting, poisoning or habitat loss) of natural prey species (thereby increasing dependency upon domestic stock). Although pelts may fetch from $50 to $500 or more US dollars, the international fur ...

De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, North West Province, South Africa
Calving Seasons > Domestic Stock This is the first essential step to prevent stock loss to predators. There are two calving seasons in a ... , or sometimes abortion takes place without a farmer's knowledge. 2. Predator-Proof Enclosures > Domestic Stock Once calves are born they are extremely vulnerable to predation. A cow will stay ...

Bilby (Macrotis lagotis)
Competition with introduced animals is a major threat as domestic stock like cattle and sheep eat the same plants. Rabbits compete with Bilbies for their food ...

Biodiversity - Ecosystem Conservation
Such programs include the removal of threats, such as environmental weeds or grazing by domestic stock and feral animals, the eradication of introduced predators such as foxes and cats and, in ...

EWT Newsletter
People and wetlands Wetlands have been used for centuries as grazing for domestic stock, and as a source of reeds used for thatching, hut construction and basket weaving. They ...

Bedrooms, Beds, Mattress, Sleeping, Stock Photography, Pictures, Images, Photos
Bedrooms, Beds, Mattress, Sleeping, Stock Photography, Pictures, Images, Photos PHOTOVALET (tm) Enter search term People - Domestic: Bedrooms and Sleeping, Images by Wernher Krutein and PHOTOVAULTŪ This page contains samples from our ...

Bathrooms, Vanity, Hygiene, Make-up, stock photography, Pictures, Brushing Teeth, Haircuts, Toilets; Photographs, Images, Photos
Bathrooms, Vanity, Hygiene, Make-up, stock photography, Pictures, Brushing Teeth, Haircuts, Toilets; Photographs, Images, Photos PHOTOVALET (tm) Enter search term People - Domestic: Bathrooms, Vanity, Make-up, Brushing Teeth, Haircuts, Volume 1, Images ... More from this site

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