dod and the tribe

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Results 1 - 4 from 4 for dod and the tribe in 0.172 sec.

Makah NALEMP Program and Accomplishments: Program Overview
DoD and the tribe consult on the appropriate means of mitigating the impact and document the response activities. Mitigation DoD and the tribe implement the agreed upon response. Transition DoD and the tribe conclude the NALEMP project and determine how they will work together in the future. Roles and ...

South Pacific Solidarity (Do or Die)
Agta of Northern Luzon and tribes in Mindanao. NTM build airstrips in jungles, have their own planes to ferry first missionaries and then businessmen, Coca Cola and the ...

Makah NALEMP Program and Accomplishments: SPIP
History Work in Progress Resources Downloads References Definitions and Acronyms Links NALEMP: Non-Site-Specific Work Program Development Under the NALEMP program, the Tribe was able to develop and establish the Makah Environmental Division. The Tribe ...

My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys (Do or Die)
Makah tribe of Washington State decided to exercise their treaty rights to kill whales and were hence faced with overwhelming opposition from the animal rights movement and the ...

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