Results 1 - 10 from 373 for disturbed areas in 0.590 sec.
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
But, in general, heavy grazing produces a faunistic assemblage more typical of disturbed ground (Gibson et al 1992a, 1992b). The fundamental reason for a conflict between invertebrate ... point is a physical substrate, it is a primary succession, whilst secondary successions start on disturbed areas like tree-falls, old-fields and pastures. It used to be seen as almost ...
Environmental Restoration: Microcatchment Water Harvesting
Water shortages are accentuated in disturbed areas where vegetation removal and alteration of the surface soil further limit surface water retention and ... an efficient design can be collected through observations over two to five years even in areas with limited rainfall. And finally, the systems are easy to operate and maintain and relatively ...
IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)/Features
Cook Islands. Solanum torvum (prickly solanum, devil's fig) is a large spiny species of disturbed areas and old fields that forms dense, impenetrable thickets. A fairly recent introduction according to local ... stans (yellow bells, yellow-elder, yellow trumpetbush, local name piti) is a serious invader of disturbed areas in Tonga, as in French Polynesia. It grows in dense stands, commonly with other ...
Great River Greening | Projects | West Side Bluff
Saint Paul and the Mississippi River Valley. The bluff vegetation is widely variable: Some areas are highly disturbed from years of cutting for timber and vistas, erosion is extensive and exotic ... 2001 for the city-owned blufflands, focusing on guiding the city's management of the disturbed areas. Check out the detailed maps and management recommendations for this project!) GRG, Saint Paul Parks ...
Prospective Invasive Species for Pacific Islands
Galápagos Islands per Charles Darwin Research Station. Carica papaya (Caricaceae) Commonly naturalizing in disturbed areas (especially burned areas) on most Pacific Islands but usually not persisting. Reported as possibly an invasive plant ...
Report on invasive species in Micronesia
Heterospathe elata (palma brava) palms continue to spread in ravines and slopes of central Guam. The grass Ischaemum polystachyum is very prevalent along roadsides and in disturbed areas ... species first show up in urban or farm areas because they are usually introduced by people and tend to become established in disturbed areas. Suspicious plant species should be promptly ...
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Rhododendron ponticum, its effects on habitats and biodiversity in the U.K.
Seedlings have difficulty becoming established in areas where there is already continuous ground cover from native plants. Establishment is best in disturbed areas where the native vegetation has been in some way disrupted, providing an opening in the plant cover. The seedlings also germinate well in areas covered in ...
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This might be because these plants inhabit disturbed areas, or it might mean that these particular medicinal plants are just easy to harvest, being ...
Maryland Native Plant Society: Marilandica
Tice. Plants that persist through the winter. Restoration of Forests: A Recommended Land Use for Disturbed Areas. W. R. Carter, III. MNPS Field Botany Updates. Rod Simmons, John Parrish, and Cris Fleming ...
Managing Natural Areas: System of Natural Areas map of regions of remaining examples of Arkansas natural communities
What is a Natural Area? Managing Natural Areas Natural Areas Locator Map Natural Area Hiking Trails Natural Area ... opposite. Today, many natural areas exist as "islands" of natural habitat in a sea of disturbed land. What happens, or in some cases, does not happen on surrounding lands can have a profound impact on the ecological integrity of natural areas ...
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