discrete calls

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Calls Each orca family has its own set of, on average,12 discrete calls. These calls are passed from the orca mother to her offspring. Some calls ... similarity of these shared calls indicates just how closely the groups are related. Groups with shared calls form a clan. ... researchers to facilitate classification. The following are examples of calls from the 3 clans of the northern resident community: A ...

Orca Network - Do Orcas Use Symbols?
(Ford, 1991). Discrete calls are the approximately 7-17 typical calls by which a pod can be identified acoustically. They are often repeated every few seconds. Aberrant calls are based on discrete calls ...

Navy's Atlantic bottlenose dolphins have escaped into the Pacific, a discrete dolphin gene pool, one as recently as 1992. On these occasions recapture was not even ... him badly. Jake could not eat or swim and was being burned by the sun. Calls were made to Ann Terbush at NMFS and to officials of the Animal and Plant ...

In looking ahead, IIED calls for more `buyers' to step forward, and for the shapers of PWS schemes to put ... can support denser populations than forested areas. However, they generally don't fit into the discrete classifications found in land use policies, in which land is designated for either forested or ...

IMPACT Press: Article: "From Earth Day to Ecological Society" -- April-May '04
Bill McKibbin calls the "end of nature." Now that the human species has altered the world's climate ... of the dominator paradigm. Human beings are accustomed to viewing the world as comprised of discrete parts they can manipulate and control without consequence. They fancy that the impact of their ...

Calls from October to March. BREEDING AND LARVAE: Eggs Tadpoles light brown. Cream patch between eyes and nares, becoming less distinct in later stages. Tail musculature cream with discrete blotches ... and diffuse light brown pigment extending onto anterior portion of fins. Fins clear with discrete blotches of dark pigment. Oral disc large, suctorial, completely surrounded by marginal papillae. ...

Welcome to Latodami
The blackbirds haven’t returned yet.  I hear no towhee calls.  Winter still lies heavily on Latodami.  Maybe it’s time to ... the tip of the windmill, calls a few times, then scallops off to the corner of the woods, calls again, and disappears among the ... seems to have its own map of the world, divided into discrete, rigidly defined states.  An interspecies map that overlaid all these world ...

Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Some scientists believe blue whales in the North Atlantic occur in relatively discrete feeding populations (Sigurjónsson and Gunnlaugsson, 1990) whereas other evidence suggests blue whales may comprise one ... International Whaling Commission. 40:537-551. Stafford, K.M. 2003. Two types of blue whale calls recorded in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Mammal Science. 19: 682-693. Stafford, K.M ...

Orca-Facts 4
Resting at the surface may last for a few moments ... as the adults. After a while the frequency of the short calls increases until finally one whale gives a louder "wake up" call. ... to the other whales that are already in the area. These "announcement" calls may have been preceded by complete silence until the orcas enter ...

Orca Network - Our Neighbors with Fins
(Ford 1991a; Strager 1995). These dialects are maintained despite extensive associations between pods. Some pods share up to 10 calls and pods which share calls can be grouped ... share may reflect their relatedness. In addition to these pod-specific calls, orcas make a wide variety of "variable" calls, especially during intense socializing, that defy description. No similarities ...

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