directional compass

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Results 1 - 6 from 6 for directional compass in 0.147 sec.

Quest of the Ring Leaders: Instructions
The main components are the control panel, directional compass, visual image, and text explaination. The Control Panel The control panel contains four ... your current location. The Directional Compass The directional compass is used to navigate through each world you visit on your Quest of the Ring Leaders. The letters on the compass indicate directions: North ...

Building a Foundation for the Future
In the process, they learn to use a directional compass and a protractor, as well as ClarisWorks software, to create graphs and charts illustrating their ... number available. So students conducted research on the Internet and discovered how to make a compass using a magnetized needle and a baby food jar. They also discovered an abundance of ...

US Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Migratory Bird Management, Shorebirds
Shorebirds are thought to have an internal compass for directional orientation which may be influenced by the sun, moon, position of stars, polarized light ...

CISAB | Media Resource Guide
For instance, some birds can integrate visual and non-visual cues for compass (directional) orientation necessary for migration. Dr. Phillips has described how specialization in visual neural receptors can ...

Activities - Xpeditions @
XTRAS // - Test your directional skills with our interactive game, the Orientometer. - Check out these images of animal orienteering. ... more. INTERACTIVE FEATURES // - Check out these online features: Lewis and Clark used their compass to head west across North America. - Underground Railroad: The North Star lit the ...

ENN: Robot vehicle surveys deep sea off Pacific Northwest
Like an airplane, the foils allow the vehicle to gain lift or drag or directional momentum, as needed. When necessary, the AUV also can hover over the bottom for close ... many AUVs tend to travel in one direction. The AUV steers itself with a magnetic compass; long-baseline (LBL) navigation triangulated from underwater beacons; a sophisticated inertial guidance system (INS); and ...