Results 1 - 10 from 68 for dig away the sand in 0.428 sec.
The desertification of China
"We have no money to move and, besides, who would have us?" says Su. "There's nothing to do but dig away the sand and wait to see what happens. Sometimes I dream of the sand falling around me faster than I can dig away. The sand chokes me. I worry that in real life, the sand ...
Desert Survivors - Experience. Share. Protect. Just Deserts
"I just wanted to be out there continuously," Tabor explains, "to string together the ... sand. Eventually the sand dunes up, supporting a thick growth of greasewood, and we beat our way through the high-peaked waves of a choppy, sun-drenched sea. Down here at the bottom of the basin, the ...
Tom's Camping Journal: Island in the Sky
Richard skinned the squirrel down by the lake while I processed more pine nuts. Eventually the sun burned away the ...
Building our slipform stone house on Main Street: an ongoing journal of the building adventure, Part I.
With the stonework all the way to the tops of the windows, we stripped off all the forms, chipped away any concrete that adhered to the face of the ... the project, other than mix the fly ash into the basement floor to solidify the sand. We mopped several coats of exterior latex paint over the wooden floor to project it from the rain. But the ...
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Sven Hedin in the Gobi Desert
The sand was so ... The other men walked. Yolldash the dog trailed the camel with the last water-tank. Whenever they halted, he yelped and sniffed hopefully at the tank, and then began to dig in the sand as if to remind the ...
The Legend of Gog and Magog
And they marched up over the broad earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city; but fire came down from heaven and consumed them, and the ... the end of the 17th century, at which time the legend of Gog and Magog died away; today it is largely forgotten. And the reason for this? Until the ...
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Marine Vertebrates -
Some have a distensible pouch such as those found in pelicans, frigate birds, and cormorants. This pouch is located between the two parts of the lower ... and the albatross can smell food 30 km away. Marine birds are important to the ecosystem for many reasons including their ability to move seeds throughout the environment, their predatory role in the ecosystem, ...
Africa on the Matrix: The Game Parks of Zimbabwe
Because of the dense bush, ... not mention the Wild Geese Lodge (Photos 14-15) on the outskirts of Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe. The lodge was the first ... made his fortune in diamonds (he started the DeBeers diamond cartel). In 1963, Rhodesia broke away from Great Britain in a "unilateral ...
Save The Murray
Coorong - in the migration route flyway. Such is the Coorong’s importance in providing valuable habitat for migratory birds; some species will migrate from as far away as Siberia and Alaska to the Coorong. The ... Subsequently, the accumulation of sand at the mouth has become a significant ongoing problem over the last 20 years. <...Back to Top...> Why don’t they just dig out the sand in the ...
2008 Battle of the Atlantic Expedition: Mission Log
Often I would find that I was floating away from the site and would have to flatten myself horizontally so that I headed flat into the current. Then I would kick my fins quickly and once back on station, try to dig into the sand to keep myself in one place. Despite the ...
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