Results 1 - 10 from 18 for develop remedial strategies in 0.347 sec.
Microbial Technologies - Treatment of polluted soils and sediments
Typically, we develop remedial strategies through studies in our laboratory and provide support services, while the other team member implements the chosen solution in the field. We develop remedial strategies specific to each contaminated ...
Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs) in the Great Lakes Region
To meet this commitment, the two governments agreed to develop and implement LaMPs for open lake waters and Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) for specific geographic Areas of Concern (AOCs). LaMPs are intended to identify critical pollutants that affect beneficial uses of the lakes and to present strategies, ...
The Hawk Conservancy Trust - Campbell's Conservation Page (Spring 2001)
Diclofenac. To address the crisis, reactive strategies could include an attempted withdrawal of veterinary Diclofenac from general ... the rate of population declines, it is possible that such remedial objectives will be too late to avoid local extinctions. ... Haryana State (northern India), and if in situ organisations develop more of these types of facility, it is likely ...
In the absence of any remedial measures, the situation is likely to get worse over ... national policy development, particularly in relation to poverty-reduction strategies and better integrated natural resource management. UNU-INWEH's Drylands ... Desertification Synthesis Expert Group Meets at UNU-INWEH to Develop a Global Report on Desertification. Hamilton, Canada, 11- ...
Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands: Science and Conservation – Canadian Wildlife Service, Ontario Region
The new knowledge will be used to develop and recommend water level regulation criteria for the benefit of ... Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement which called for the development of Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) and Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs) to ... Naturalists, and the Nature Conservancy of Canada. GLWCAP adopted eight strategies to work towards its goal of protecting the area ...
Advisory Committee (STAC) of the Lower Fox River And Green Bay Remedial Action Plan (RAP) has been actively involved with assessment and ... of information essential to the formulation of wise, longterm remediation strategies that will ensure success. We acknowledge and appreciate the work ... years to understand the extent of the problem and to develop a strategy for its solution. This has been time well ...
IELRC.ORG - The Convention on Biological Diversity
These include in particular a commitment to develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity ... compatible with conservation or sustainable use requirements; supporting local populations to develop and implementing remedial action in degraded areas where biological diversity has been reduced; and ...
Agenda for Change - Convention on Biological Diversity
Develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. ... and promote the recovery of threatened species, helping local people to develop and carry out these remedial plans. Establish means to control the risks from organisms modified by biotechnology ...
Summary of the Remediation Technologies Development Forum
Casper site. Lyverse noted that the NAPL Alliance meeting was being held in ... water flooding technologies and the lessons that are being learned at the Casper Refinery site. Develop a Paper That Discusses Treatment Train Approaches Tavelli noted that the Casper Refinery group is ...
Fox River clean-up : LimnoTech
Fox River Group needed to understand these links and their implications for alternative remedial strategies. Once a remedy was selected by the agencies, our clients also required recommendations for ... sediment depths using the sample data. Approach LimnoTech worked collaboratively with the agencies to develop modeling inputs, and then constructed the FoxSim PCB fate and transport and food web ...